Graph Isomorphism is Equivalence Relation

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Graph isomorphism is an equivalence relation.

Proof 1

From the formal definitions:

Simple Graph

A (simple) graph $G$ is a non-empty set $V$ together with an antireflexive, symmetric relation $\RR$ on $V$.


A digraph $D$ is a non-empty set $V$ together with an antireflexive relation $\RR$ on $V$.


A loop-graph $P$ is a non-empty set $V$ together with a symmetric relation $\RR$ on $V$.


A loop-digraph $D$ is a non-empty set $V$ together with a relation $\RR$ on $V$.

It can be seen from these definitions that all the above are relational structures with more or less restriction on the relation.

Hence the result from Relation Isomorphism is Equivalence Relation.


Proof 2

In the following, let:

\(\ds G_1\) \(=\) \(\ds \struct {\map V {G_1}, \map E {G_1} }\)
\(\ds G_2\) \(=\) \(\ds \struct {\map V {G_2}, \map E {G_2} }\)
\(\ds G_3\) \(=\) \(\ds \struct {\map V {G_3}, \map E {G_3} }\)

be arbitrary graphs.

Checking in turn each of the criteria for equivalence:


The identity mapping on $\map V {G_1}$ is a bijection that maps each vertex to itself.

This is seen to preserve adjacency.

Thus graph isomorphism preserves reflexivity.



Let $G_1$ be isomorphic to $G_2$

Then there exists an isomorphism $\phi: \map V {G_1} \to \map V {G_2}$ from $\map V {G_1}$ to $\map V {G_2}$.

Let its inverse $\phi^{-1}: \map V {G_2} \to \map V {G_1}$ be defined by:

$\map {\phi^{-1} } {v_2} = v_1 \iff \map \phi {v_1} = v_2$

By Inverse of Bijection is Bijection, $\phi^{-1}$ is a bijection.

Let $u_2, v_2 \in \map V {G_2}$ such that $\map {\phi^{-1} } {u_2} = u_1$ and $\map {\phi^{-1} } {v_2} = v_1$.


\(\ds \map \phi {u_1}\) \(=\) \(\ds u_2\)
\(\ds \map \phi {v_1}\) \(=\) \(\ds v_2\)

So $u_2$ and $v_2$ are adjacent if and only if $\map \phi {u_1}$ and $\map \phi {v_1}$ are adjacent.

Because $G_1$ is isomorphic to $G_2$, $\map \phi {u_1}$ and $\map \phi {v_1}$ are adjacent if and only if $u_1 = \map {\phi^{-1} } {u_2}$ and $v_1 = \map {\phi^{-1} } {v_2}$ are adjacent.

So $u_2$ and $v_2$ are adjacent if and only if $u_1 = \map {\phi^{-1} } {u_2}$ and $v_1 = \map {\phi^{-1} } {v_2}$ are adjacent.

That is, $G_2$ is isomorphic to $G_1$

Thus graph isomorphism preserves symmetry.



Let $G_1$ be isomorphic to $G_2$ and $G_2$ be isomorphic to $G_3$.

Then there exist isomorphisms:

$\alpha: \map V {G_1} \to \map V {G_2}$ from $\map V {G_1}$ to $\map V {G_2}$
$\beta: \map V {G_2} \to \map V {G_3}$ from $\map V {G_2}$ to $\map V {G_3}$.

Consider the composite mapping $\beta \circ \alpha$.

From Composite of Bijections is Bijection, $\beta \circ \alpha$ is a bijection from $\map V {G_1}$ to $\map V {G_3}$.

Let $u_1, v_1 \in \map V {G_1}$.

Let $\map \alpha {u_1} = u_2$ and $\map \alpha {v_1} = v_2$.

Let $\map \beta {u_2} = u_3$ and $\map \beta {v_2} = v_3$.

We have that $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are isomorphisms.


$u_1$ and $v_1$ are adjacent if and only if $\map \alpha {u_1} = u_2$ and $\map \alpha {v_1} = v_2$ are adjacent
$u_2$ and $v_2$ are adjacent if and only if $\map \beta {u_2} = u_3$ and $\map \beta {v_2} = v_3$ are adjacent.


$u_1$ and $v_1$ are adjacent if and only if $\map \beta {\map \alpha {u_1} } = u_3$ and $\map \beta {\map \alpha {v_1} } = v_3$ are adjacent.

That is, if and only if $\map {\paren {\beta \circ \alpha} } {u_1} = u_3$ and $\map {\paren {\beta \circ \alpha} } {v_1} = v_3$ are adjacent.

Thus it has been demonstrated that $\beta \circ \alpha$ is an isomorphism.

Thus graph isomorphism has been shown to preserve transitivity.


Graph isomorphism has been shown to be reflexive, symmetric and transitive.

Hence by definition it is an equivalence relation.
