Haidao Suanjing/Examples/Example 1

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Example of Problem from Haidao Suanjing by Liu Hui

What is the size of a square inscribed in the corner of a right-angled triangle to touch the hypotenuse?


Let the lengths of the legs of the given right-angled triangle be $a$ and $b$.

Then the length of the side of the inscribed square is $\dfrac {a b} {a + b}$.


Let $x$ be the length of the side of the inscribed square be $x$.

Without loss of generality, let $a < b$.

Let the right-angled triangle be half of a rectangle whose sides are of length $a$ and $b$.

Let the rectangle be dissected along the straight lines shown.


Let the pieces of the dissection be assembled into a rectangle whose sides are of length $a + b$ and $x$.

Then we have:

$a b = x \paren {a + b}$

and the result follows.

