Help:Page Editing/Historical Note

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Historical Note

The Historical Note section is intended as a relatively free-form section in which any interesting information about the concept can be elaborated on.

If there is already a "Source of Name" section, then if what you want to say consists of a sentence or two, it may be better just to add it to directly after your invocation of the namedfor template. See Fermat's Little Theorem for a simple example. On the other hand, see Fermat's Two Squares Theorem for an example of where the author has considered it appropriate to create a separate section.

If you have a great deal to say about the subject in question, then it is worth considering whether to write it as a separate transcluded page.

Indeed, if you have a strong interest and expertise in the history of mathematics and wish to impart that knowledge on this website, then it may be a worthwhile future task setting up a properly structured category for the history of mathematics, into which we may find it worthwhile to migrate, for example, our Mathematicians space into.

This is one area of $\mathsf{Pr} \infty \mathsf{fWiki}$ whose evolution is in progress.