Henry Ernest Dudeney/Modern Puzzles/140 - The Four-Colour Map Theorem/Historical Note

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Historical Note on Henry Ernest Dudeney's Modern Puzzles No. $140$ - The Four-Colour Map Theorem

For just about $50$ years various mathematicians, including De Morgan, Cayley, Kempe, Heawood, Heffter, Wernicke, Birkhoff, Franklin and many others have attempted to prove the truth of this theorem,
and in a long and learned article in the American Mathematical Monthly for July-August, $1923$, Professor Brahana, of the University of Illinois, states that "the problem is still unsolved."

Martin Gardner, in his $1968$ repackaging 536 Puzzles & Curious Problems, refutes Dudeney's claim to have proved it.

He goes on to advertise his own contribution in his $1966$ Martin Gardner's New Mathematical Diversions from Scientific American.
