Henry Ernest Dudeney/Modern Puzzles/189 - Weighing the Baby

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Modern Puzzles by Henry Ernest Dudeney: $189$

Weighing the Baby
There was a family group at the automatic weighing machine, trying to weigh the baby.
Whenever they put the baby on the machine, she always yelled and rolled off,
while the father was holding off the dog, who always insisted on being included in the operations.
At last the man, with the baby and Fido, were on the machine together.
The dial read $180$ pounds.
The man turned to his wife and said,
"Baby and I weigh $162$ pounds more than the dog,
while the dog weighs $70$ per cent less than the baby.
We must try to work it out at home."
What was the actual weight of the baby?

Click here for solution
