Henry Ernest Dudeney/Modern Puzzles/20 - The Seven Applewomen/Solution

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Modern Puzzles by Henry Ernest Dudeney: $20$

The Seven Applewomen
Seven applewomen,
possessing respectively $20$, $40$, $60$, $80$, $100$, $120$, and $140$ apples,
went to market and sold all their apples at the same price,
and each received the same sum of money.
What was the price?


Each woman sold her apples at:

$7$ for $1 \oldpence$
$3 \oldpence$ for the odd ones left over.

Thus each received the same amount::

$1 \shillings 8 \oldpence$

As Henry Ernest Dudeney put it:

Without questioning the ingenuity of the thing, I have always thought the solution unsatisfactory,
because really indeterminate, even if we admit that such an eccentric way of selling may be fairly termed a "price".
It would seem just as fair if they sold them at different rates and afterwards divided the money;
or sold different kinds of apples at different values;
or sold by weight, the apples being of different sizes;
or sold by rates diminishing with the age of the apples;
and so on.
That is why I have never held a high opinion of this old puzzle.
In a general way, we can say that $n$ women, possessing $a n + \paren {n - 1}$, $\paren {a + b} n + \paren {n - 2}$, $\paren {a + 2 b} n + \paren {n - 3}$, $\ldots$, $\paren {a + \paren {n - 1} b} n$ apples respectively,
can sell at $n$ for the penny and $b$ pence for each odd one left over,
and each receive $a + b \paren {n - 1}$ pence.
In the case of our puzzle $a = 2$, $b = 3$, and $n = 7$.
