Henry Ernest Dudeney/Modern Puzzles/57 - A Misunderstanding

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Modern Puzzles by Henry Ernest Dudeney: $57$

A Misunderstanding
An American correspondent asks me to find a number composed of any number of digits that may be correctly divided by $2$
by simply transferring the last figure to the beginning.
He has apparently come across our last puzzle with the conditions wrongly stated.
If you are to transfer the first figure to the end it is solved by $315 \, 789 \, 473 \, 684 \, 210 \, 526$,
and a solution may easily be found from this with any given figure at the beginning.
But if the figure is to be moved from the end to the beginning, there is no possible solution for the divisor $2$.
But there is a solution for the divisor $3$.
Can you find it?

Click here for solution
