Hexadecimal Notation/Examples

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Examples of Hexadecimal Notation

Example: $4 \mathrm B$

The integer expressed in decimal as $75$ is expressed in hexadecimal as $4 \mathrm B$.

Example: $\mathrm C 8$

The integer expressed in decimal as $200$ is expressed in hexadecimal as $\mathrm C 8$.

Example: $12 \mathrm C$

The integer expressed in decimal as $300$ is expressed in hexadecimal as $12 \mathrm C$.

Example: $2 \mathrm C 8$

The integer expressed in decimal as $712$ is expressed in hexadecimal as $2 \mathrm C 8$.

Example: $6 \mathrm C 5$

The integer expressed in hexadecimal as $6 \mathrm C 5$ is expressed in decimal as $1733$.

Example: $2 \mathrm B 7 \mathrm E$

The integer expressed in hexadecimal as $2 \mathrm B 7 \mathrm E$ is expressed in decimal as $11 \, 134$.