If Ideal and Filter are Disjoint then There Exists Prime Filter Including Filter and Disjoint from Ideal

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Let $L = \struct {S, \vee, \wedge, \preceq}$ be a distributive lattice.

Let $I$ be an ideal in $L$.

Let $F$ be a filter on $L$ such that

$F \cap I = \O$

Then there exists a prime filter $P$ in $L$: $F \subseteq P$ and $P \cap I = \O$


By Dual Distributive Lattice is Distributive:

$L^{-1}$ is a distributive lattice

where $L^{-1} = \struct {S, \succeq}$ denotes the dual of $L$.

By Filter is Ideal in Dual Ordered Set:

$I' := F$ as an ideal in $L^{-1}$.

By Ideal is Filter in Dual Ordered Set:

$F' := I$ as a filter on $L^{-1}$.

By assumption:

$I' \cap F' = \O$

By If Ideal and Filter are Disjoint then There Exists Prime Ideal Including Ideal and Disjoint from Filter:

there exists prime ideal $P'$ in $L^{-1}$: $I' \subseteq P'$ and $P' \cap F' = \O$

By Prime Filter is Prime Ideal in Dual Lattice:

$P := P'$ as a prime filter on $L$.

Thus there exists prime filter $P$ on $L$: $F \subseteq P$ and $P \cap I = \O$

