Intersection of Lower Closure of Element with Ideal equals Meet of Element and Ideal

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Let $\struct {S, \preceq}$ be a meet semilattice.

Let $I$ be an ideal in $\struct {S, \preceq}$.

Let $x \in S$.


$\paren {x^\preceq} \cap I = \set {x \wedge i: i \in I}$

where $x^\preceq$ denotes the lower closure of $x$.


First Inclusion

Let $z \in \paren {x^\preceq} \cap I$

By definition of intersection:

$z \in x^\preceq$ and $z \in I$

By definition of lower closure of element:

$z \preceq x$

By Preceding iff Meet equals Less Operand:

$x \wedge z = z$


$z \in \set {x \wedge i: i \in I}$


Second Inclusion

Let $z \in \set {x \wedge i: i \in I}$


$\exists i \in I: z = x \wedge i$

By Meet Precedes Operands:

$z \preceq x$ and $z \preceq i$

By definition of ideal in ordered set:

$I$ is a lower section.

By definitions of lower section and lower closure of element:

$z \in I$ and $z \in x^\preceq$

Thus by definition of intersection:

$z \in \struct {x^\preceq} \cap I$


Thus the result by definition of set equality.

