Mathematician:Jakob Philipp Kulik

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Austrian mathematician known for his construction of mathematical tables.

A table containing the factors of all integers up to $100 \, 000 \, 000$, which he had spent $20$ years working on as a hobby, remained uncompleted and unpublished at his death.

Donated over $1000$ of his own books to help rebuild the collection at the University of Lemberg, which had been destroyed by fire in $1848$.

In $1862$, again donated a large part of his collection, this time to the newly-founded Society for Open Lectures in Mathematics and Physics in Prague.

On his death, the rest of his collection was donated to that society.


Austrian, of Polish descent


  • Born: 1 May 1793 in Lemberg, Austrian Empire (now L'viv, Ukraine)
  • 1814: Won a professorship at the Lyceum at Olomouc (now Olmetz), Germany, as a result of a competition
  • 1816: Appointed Professor of Physics and Applied Mathematics at the Lyceum of Graz
  • 1817: Took on additional duties teaching astronomy at Joanneum in Graz
  • 1822: Received doctorate for a thesis which studied the rainbow
  • 1826: Professor of Higher Mathematics at the Charles University of Prague
  • Died: 28 February 1863 in Prague, Bohemia (now Czech Republic)


  • 1822: De phaenomenis iridis
  • 1824: Handbuch mathematischer Tafeln ("Handbook of mathematical tables")
  • 1825: Divisores numerorum decies centena millia non excedentium ("Tables of simple factors of all numbers under one million")
  • 1831: Lehrbuch der höheren Analysis ("Textbook of higher analysis")
  • 1831: Der tausendjährige Kalender ("The Millennial Calendar")
  • 1832: Theorie und Tafeln der Kettenlinie' ("Theory and tables for the catenary")
  • 1833: Sammlung von Tafeln zur Erleichterung des Studiums der Mathematik, und mit Rücksicht ihrer Anwendbarkeit auf Zwecke des praktischen Lebens
  • 1833: Toasirtafeln, zur leichtern Berechnung des Längen- Flächenund Kubik-Inhaltes und der verschiedenen Münz- Mass- und Gewichts-Beträge ("Tables to facilitate calculation of length, area, cubic content and various coin and weight amounts")
  • 1834: Der tausendjährige Kalender(2nd edition)
  • 1838: Untersuchungen über die Kettenbrückenlinie ("Studies of the cables of the Chain Bridge")
  • 1837: Biographie des Martin Alois David
  • 1844: Lehrbuch der höheren Analysis (2nd edition)
  • 1846: Anfangsgründe der höheren mechanik
  • 1848: Tafeln der Quadrat- und Kubik-Zahlen aller natürlichen Zahlen bis hundert Tausend, nebst ihrer Anwendung auf die Zerlegung grosser Zahlen in ihre Faktoren ("Tables of square and cube numbers of all natural numbers to a hundred thousand. In addition, application to the decomposition of large numbers into their factors")
  • 1851: Neue Multiplikationstafeln: ein unentbehrliches Hülfsmittel für Jedermann, um schnell, sicher und ohne Ermüdung zu rechnen ("New multiplication tables: an indispensable expedients for everyone to count quickly, safely and without fatigue")
  • 1851: Tafeln der hyperbolischen Sektoren und der Längen elliptischer Bögen und Quadranten ("Tables of hyperbolic sectors and the lengths of elliptical arcs and quadrants")
  • 1853: Über die Tafel primitiver Wurzeln ("On the layout of primitive roots").
  • 1860: Beiträge zur Auflösung höherer Gleichungen überhaupt und der kubischen Gleichungen insbesondere
  • c. 1825 -- 1863: Magnus Canon Divisorum

Also known as

His first name can also be seen as Jacob or Yakov.
