Mathematician:Mathematicians/Sorted By Birth/1941 - 1950 CE

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For more comprehensive information on the lives and works of mathematicians through the ages, see the MacTutor History of Mathematics archive, created by John J. O'Connor and Edmund F. Robertson.

The army of those who have made at least one definite contribution to mathematics as we know it soon becomes a mob as we look back over history; 6,000 or 8,000 names press forward for some word from us to preserve them from oblivion, and once the bolder leaders have been recognised it becomes largely a matter of arbitrary, illogical legislation to judge who of the clamouring multitude shall be permitted to survive and who be condemned to be forgotten.
-- Eric Temple Bell: Men of Mathematics, 1937, Victor Gollancz, London

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$\text {1941}$ – $\text {1950}$


John Lennart Berggren $($$\text {b. 1941}$$)$

Canadian historian of science, especially mathematics.
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Robert H. Cowen $($$\text {c. 1941}$$)$

American mathematician working in set theory.
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John Michael Pollard $($$\text {b. 1941}$$)$

John Pollard requests that this page does not exist on $\mathsf{Pr} \infty \mathsf{fWiki}$, as it is necessarily incomplete and in many places inaccurate, and there is too much wrong with it to be able to fix it.
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Dietmar Vogt $($$\text {b. 1941}$$)$

German mathematician, mainly known for his work in the field of functional analysis.
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Lynn Arthur Steen $($$\text {1941}$ – $\text {2015}$$)$

American mathematician best known for the groundbreaking Counterexamples in Topology which he co-authored with J. Arthur Seebach, Jr..
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Michael Frederick Armstrong $($$\text {1941}$ – $\text {2020}$$)$

American mathematician and teacher of computer science best known for being the eponym of Armstrong numbers.
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Gyula O.H. Katona $($$\text {b. 1941}$$)$

Hungarian mathematician best known for his work in the field of combinatorial set theory.

Proved the Erdős-Ko-Rado Theorem.

Father of Gyula Y. Katona, who works in similar fields.
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Calvin C. Clawson $($$\text {b. 1941}$$)$

American mathematician, educator and historian of mathematics.
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Pierre Antoine Grillet $($$\text {b. 1941}$$)$

French mathematician working in abstract algebra and category theory.
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Nelson Malcolm Stephens $($$\text {1941}$ – $\text {2024}$$)$

British mathematician best known for his work in number theory, in particular for refuting the Stronger Feit-Thompson Conjecture by finding a counterexample.
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David Orme Tall $($$\text {b. 1941}$$)$

British mathematician mainly working in the field of educational psychology.

Also known for the books he has co-written with Ian Stewart.
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Wilfrid Augustine Hodges $($$\text {b. 1941}$$)$

British mathematician known for his work in model theory.
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Joel William Robbin $($$\text {b. 1941}$$)$

American mathematician specialising in mathematical logic and matrix algebra.
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Viorel P. Barbu $($$\text {b. 1941}$$)$

Romanian mathematician, active in the field of topology.
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Alexander Keewatin Dewdney $($$\text {b. 1941}$$)$

Canadian mathematician, computer scientist and philosopher.

Between 1984 and 1993, he took over from Douglas Hofstadter the task of writing the Metamagical Themas column in Scientific American, which he renamed to Computer Recreations, then Mathematical Recreations.
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Teodor Precupanu $($$\text {b. 1941}$$)$

Romanian mathematician, active in the field of topology.
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David William Boyd $($$\text {b. 1941}$$)$

Canadian mathematician who does research on harmonic and classical analysis, inequalities related to geometry, number theory, and polynomial factorization, sphere packing, number theory involving Diophantine approximation and Mahler's measure, and computer computations
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Alain M. Robert $($$\text {b. 1941}$$)$

Swiss mathematician interested in Algebraic Groups, Representations.
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Peter Henry George Aczel $($$\text {b. 1941}$$)$

British mathematician and logician known for his work in non-well-founded set theory, constructive set theory, and Frege structures.
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Roland Edwin Larson $($$\text {b. 1941}$$)$

American professor of mathematics, best known for the widely-used books (covering all levels from from pre-school to college) written by him, often in collaboration.
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Lucien Szpiro $($$\text {b. 1941}$$)$

French mathematician working in number theory, arithmetic algebraic geometry, and commutative algebra
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Donald Lee Cohn $($$\text {b. 1942}$$)$

American mathematician working in measure theory.
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Kenneth G. Lucey $($$\text {b. 1942}$$)$

American philosopher who has written in the field of logic and relation theory.
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Michael Charles Reed $($$\text {b. 1942}$$)$

American mathematician known for his contributions to mathematical physics and mathematical biology.
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John Timothy Anderson $($$\text {1942}$ – $\text {2000}$$)$

American mathematician known for his textbooks.
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Joseph Anthony Gallian $($$\text {b. 1942}$$)$

American mathematician who has been awarded for the quality of his teaching.
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Stephen William Hawking $($$\text {1942}$ – $\text {2018}$$)$

British mathematician, physicist and cosmologist best known for his works of popular science.
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Melvin Fitting $($$\text {b. 1942}$$)$

American mathematician specialising in logic.
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Tsit Yuen Lam $($$\text {b. 1942}$$)$

Hong Kongese mathematician interested in algebra, particularly ring theory and quadratic forms.
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Eberhard Freitag $($$\text {b. 1942}$$)$

German mathematician known for his work in function theory and modular forms.
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Robert James McEliece $($$\text {1942}$ – $\text {2019}$$)$

American mathematician and engineering professor best known for his work in information theory.
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Joseph Hoshen $($$\text {b. 1942}$$)$

Israeli-American mathematician known for the creation of Hoshen-Kopelman algorithm that is used to count clusters (connected components) in large lattices; over the years, the algorithm has found many applications in science and technology.

Demonstrated that solving GPS (Global Positioning System) equation is equivalent to solving the Problem of Apollonius in 3 dimensions.

Developed a graph theoretical method to resolve software dependencies problems; problems that in $1992$ almost brought the delivery of Lucent's 5ESS international switch software updates to a standstill.
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Henry Robert Neave $($$\text {b. 1942}$$)$

British mathematician and statistician best known for his work as an educator and writer.
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David Peter Robbins $($$\text {1942}$ – $\text {2003}$$)$

American mathematician most famous for introducing alternating sign matrices.
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Jerrold Eldon Marsden $($$\text {1942}$ – $\text {2010}$$)$

Canadian mathematician specialising in mathematical and theoretical classical mechanics.

Also laid much of the foundation for symplectic topology.
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Karen Keskulla Uhlenbeck $($$\text {b. 1942}$$)$

American mathematician who is one of the founders of modern geometric analysis.
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James Stuart Milne $($$\text {b. 1942}$$)$

New Zealand mathematician working in arithmetic geometry.
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Alfred S. Posamentier $($$\text {b. 1942}$$)$

American educator, writer and commentator on American mathematics and science education.
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Bruno Buchberger $($$\text {b. 1942}$$)$

Austrian professor of Computer Mathematics who created the theory of Gröbner bases.
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Jeffrey David Ullman $($$\text {b. 1942}$$)$

American computer scientist famous for his textbooks on compilers and theory of computation.
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Andrew John Casson $($$\text {b. 1943}$$)$

British studying geometric topology.

Best known for resolving (with Michael Hartley Freedman) the $4$-dimensional case of the Poincaré Conjecture.
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Judith Veronica Field $($$\text {b. 1943}$$)$

British historian working mainly in mathematics.
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Steven Roger Givant $($$\text {b. 1943}$$)$

American mathematician working in abstract geometry.
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Robert Everist Greene $($$\text {b. 1943}$$)$

American mathematician whose main area of work is in differential geometry.
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Alan G. Hamilton $($$\text {b. 1943}$$)$

British mathematician working in mathematical logic.
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Carolyn Fruit Neptune $($$\text {c. 1943}$ – $\text {2014}$$)$

American mathematician best known as a teacher.
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Anders Vretblad $($$\text {b. 1943}$$)$

Swedish mathematician known as the writer of the books Algebra och Kombinatorik and Fourier Analysis and its Applications.
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Václav E. Zizler $($$\text {b. 1943}$$)$

Czech mathematician specializing in Banach space theory and non-linear spaces.
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David Lem Colton $($$\text {b. 1943}$$)$

American mathematician specialising in industrial and applied mathematics.
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Ralph William Gosper, Jr. $($$\text {b. 1943}$$)$

American mathematician and pioneering computer programmer.

Considered by some to be one of the founders of the hacker community.
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Thomas A. Whitelaw $($$\text {1943}$ – $\text {2021}$$)$

Scots mathematician best known as a popular lecturer, focusing on abstract algebra and linear algebra.
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Edmund Frederick Robertson $($$\text {b. 1943}$$)$

Scots mathematician currently a Professor of Mathematics at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland.

He is one of the owners of the MacTutor History of Mathematics archive along with John J. O'Connor.
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Alan Curtiss Tucker $($$\text {b. 1943}$$)$

American mathematics professor who has published on combinatorics and linear algebra.
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George Mark Bergman $($$\text {b. 1943}$$)$

American mathematician whose primary research area is algebra, in particular associative rings, universal algebra, category theory and the construction of counterexamples.

Mathematical logic is an additional research area.
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Hugh Cowie Williams $($$\text {b. 1943}$$)$

Canadian mathematician working mainly in number theory and cryptography.
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Anthony Thomas Sudbery $($$\text {b. 1943}$$)$

British mathematician working on group theory, complex analysis, combinatorics and quantum mechanics.
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Robert Tijdeman $($$\text {b. 1943}$$)$

Dutch mathematician specializing in number theory.
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Herbert Kenneth Kunen $($$\text {b. 1943}$$)$

American mathematician working in set theory.
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Béla Bollobás $($$\text {b. 1943}$$)$

Hungarian mathematician, now British, who has worked in various areas of mathematics, including functional analysis, combinatorics, graph theory, and percolation.
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Donald Jay Geman $($$\text {b. 1943}$$)$

American applied mathematician and a leading researcher in the field of machine learning and pattern recognition.

He and his brother Stuart Alan Geman are famous for proposing the Gibbs Sampler, and for the first proof of the convergence of the Simulated Annealing Algorithm.
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Robin James Wilson $($$\text {b. 1943}$$)$

British mathematician whose academic interests lie in graph theory, particularly in colouring problems, for example the four colour problem, and algebraic properties of graphs.
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Nicholas Michael Katz $($$\text {b. 1943}$$)$

American mathematician working in the fields of algebraic geometry, particularly on p-adic methods, monodromy and moduli problems, and number theory.
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Mikhael Leonidovich Gromov $($$\text {b. 1943}$$)$

Russian-French mathematician known for his work in geometry, analysis and group theory.
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John Adrian Bondy $($$\text {b. 1944}$$)$

British and Canadian mathematician working in the field of graph theory.
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Martin Neil Huxley $($$\text {b. 1944}$$)$

British mathematician, working in the field of analytic number theory.
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Harold Garth Dales $($$\text {1944}$ – $\text {2022}$$)$

British mathematician, working in Banach spaces.
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Thomas J. Jech $($$\text {b. 1944}$$)$

Czech-born mathematician who specializes in set theory.
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Nigel J. Cutland $($$\text {b. 1944}$$)$

British mathematician whose main fields of interest are non-standard analysis, Loeb spaces, and applications in probability and stochastic analysis.
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George Barry Purdy $($$\text {1944}$ – $\text {2017}$$)$

American mathematician and computer scientist who specialized in cryptography, combinatorial geometry and number theory.
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Vaughan Ronald Pratt $($$\text {b. 1944}$$)$

American mathematician specialising in computer science.
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Andy Roy Magid $($$\text {b. 1944}$$)$

American mathematician concerned with commutative algebra, Galois theory of rings, algebraic geometry, algebraic groups, representations of groups and differential Galois theory.
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Per H. Enflo $($$\text {b. 1944}$$)$

Swedish mathematician who has solved fundamental problems in functional analysis.
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Haïm Brezis $($$\text {b. 1944}$$)$

French mathematician who works in functional analysis and partial differential equations.
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Christian Berg $($$\text {b. 1944}$$)$

Danish mathematician, currently professor emeritus at the University of Copenhagen.
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Bailey Whitfield Diffie $($$\text {b. 1944}$$)$

American mathematician and cryptographer.

One of the pioneers of public-key cryptography

Inventor with Martin Edward Hellman and Ralph Charles Merkle of the technique of public key cryptography.

Inventor with Martin Edward Hellman of the trapdoor function.
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Ernő Rubik $($$\text {b. 1944}$$)$

Hungarian inventor and architect best known for inventing Rubik's cube.
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Hugh Lowell Montgomery $($$\text {b. 1944}$$)$

American mathematician best known for his work in analytic number theory and mathematical analysis.
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Franz Halter-Koch $($$\text {b. 1944}$$)$

Austrian mathematician researching in elementary and algebraic number theory and commutative algebra.
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Pierre René Deligne $($$\text {b. 1944}$$)$

Belgian mathematician best known for work on the Weil Conjectures, leading to a complete proof in $1973$.
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Melvyn Bernard Nathanson $($$\text {b. 1944}$$)$

American mathematician specialising in number theory, particularly additive and combinatorial.
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Allen Edward Hatcher $($$\text {b. 1944}$$)$

American topologist who has worked in geometric topology, both in high dimensions, relating pseudoisotopy to algebraic $K$-theory, and in low dimensions: surfaces and $3$-manifolds, such as proving the Smale conjecture for the $3$-sphere.
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Carl Bernard Pomerance $($$\text {b. 1944}$$)$

American mathematician specialising in number theory.
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Mitchell Jay Feigenbaum $($$\text {b. 1944}$$)$

American mathematical physicist whose pioneering studies in chaos theory led to the discovery of the Feigenbaum constants.
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Joseph Warren Dauben $($$\text {b. 1944}$$)$

American professor of history who has written extensively on the history of mathematics.
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Edward M. Reingold $($$\text {b. 1945}$$)$

American computer scientist active in the fields of algorithms, data structures, graph drawing, and calendrical calculations.
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Pieter Anton Willem van Delft $($$\text {b. 1945}$$)$

Dutch illustrator notable for mathematical work.
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Persi Warren Diaconis $($$\text {b. 1945}$$)$

American mathematician and former professional magician of Greek descent, best known for tackling mathematical problems involving randomness and randomization, such as coin flipping and shuffling playing cards.
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George Daniel Parker $($$\text {1945}$ – $\text {2015}$$)$

American mathematician best known as a teacher (for which he won awards) and writer of mathematics text books.
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Donald John Roberts $($$\text {b. 1945}$$)$

Canadian-American economist, whose research focuses on the design, governance and management of organizations, especially in an international context.
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Douglas Richard Hofstadter $($$\text {b. 1945}$$)$

American mathematician and philosopher most noted for the books he has written.

In particular, famous for being the author of Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid.

Between 1981 and 1983, he took over from Martin Gardner the task of writing the Mathematical Games column in Scientific American, which he renamed to Metamagical Themas.
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Samuel Standfield Wagstaff Jr. $($$\text {b. 1945}$$)$

American mathematician and computer scientist, whose research interests are in the areas of cryptography, parallel computation, and analysis of algorithms, especially number theoretic algorithms.
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Günter Pilz $($$\text {b. 1945}$$)$

Austrian mathematician whose main area of research is the theory and application of algebraic structures.
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Robert Charles Vaughan $($$\text {b. 1945}$$)$

British mathematician whose main work is in analytic number theory.
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John Lane Bell $($$\text {b. 1945}$$)$

British mathematician and philosopher working in set theory, model theory, lattice theory, modal logic, quantum logic, constructive mathematics, type theory, topos theory, infinitesimal analysis, spacetime theory, and the philosophy of mathematics.
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Martin Golubitsky $($$\text {b. 1945}$$)$

American mathematician specialising in mathematical biosciences.
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Alan Enoch Gelfand $($$\text {b. 1945}$$)$

American statistician whose research includes substantial contributions to the fields of Bayesian statistics, spatial statistics and hierarchical modeling.
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John Derbyshire $($$\text {b. 1945}$$)$

British-American computer programmer, writer, journalist and political commentator.
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Timothy Poston $($$\text {b. 1945}$$)$

British mathematician and physicist best known for work in catastrophe theory.

Also the scientific and mathematical advisor to Genesis P-Orridge.
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Saharon Shelah $($$\text {b. 1945}$$)$

Israeli mathematician known for his work on stable theories.
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John Allen Paulos $($$\text {b. 1945}$$)$

American professor of mathematics who is famous for writing and speaking about the importance of mathematical literacy.
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John J. O'Connor $($$\text {b. 1945}$$)$

English-born mathematician who has worked in the fields of topology and computational algebra.

He is one of the owners of the MacTutor History of Mathematics archive along with Edmund F. Robertson.
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Ian Nicholas Stewart $($$\text {b. 1945}$$)$

English mathematician who has made considerable contributions to the field of catastrophe theory.

He is more famous, however, as a popular writer and publicist of mathematics.

As one of the contributors to the Science of Discworld series, he was created an honorary Wizard of Unseen University.
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Martin Edward Hellman $($$\text {b. 1945}$$)$

American mathematician and cryptographer.

One of the pioneers of public-key cryptography

Inventor with Bailey Whitfield Diffie and Ralph Charles Merkle of the technique of public key cryptography.

Inventor with Bailey Whitfield Diffie of the trapdoor function.
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Robert Louis Griess, Jr. $($$\text {b. 1945}$$)$

American mathematician working on finite simple groups and vertex algebras.

Constructed the Fischer-Griess Monster using the Griess algebra.
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Ian Fraser Kilmister $($$\text {1945}$ – $\text {2015}$$)$

English rock musician better known as Lemmy.

Notable for writing the only song in rock music with the word parallelogram in its lyrics.
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Leonard Max Adleman $($$\text {b. 1945}$$)$

American cryptographer and software engineer, best known for his involvement in the creation of the RSA algorithm.

Successfully used DNA as a computation technique.

Supposed to have coined the term virus in the context of computer programs.
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David John Acheson $($$\text {b. 1946}$$)$

English mathematician best known for his book 1089 and all that.
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Guy Auliac $($$\text {1946}$ – $\text {2003}$$)$

French mathematician best known for his work in education.
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Jean Brette $($$\text {1946}$ – $\text {2017}$$)$

French mathematician best known for his work in education.
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Bruce H. Edwards $($$\text {b. 1946}$$)$

American mathematician and educator.
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Michał Szurek $($$\text {b. 1946}$$)$

Polish mathematician and publicist whose main scientific specialty is algebraic geometry.
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Derek A. Zave $($$\text {1946}$ – $\text {1987}$$)$

American computer scientist who has done research into power series with harmonic numbers.
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Aleksandr Yuryevich Olshansky $($$\text {b. 1946}$$)$

Russian mathematician working in the field of combinatorial and geometric group theory.

Also working on Lie algebras and associative algebras.

Disproved the Von Neumann Conjecture.
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Grigory Aleksandrovich Margulis $($$\text {b. 1946}$$)$

Russian mathematician known for his work on lattices in Lie groups, and the introduction of methods from ergodic theory into Diophantine approximation.
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Patrick Michael Fitzpatrick $($$\text {b. 1946}$$)$

Irish-born mathematician, now working in the U.S., mainly working in the fields of Analysis and Topology.
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Rudolf von Bitter Rucker $($$\text {b. 1946}$$)$

An American mathematician, computer scientist, science fiction author and philosopher.

Best known (in the field of mathematics) for his work Infinity and the Mind.
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Barry Martin Simon $($$\text {b. 1946}$$)$

American mathematical physicist, known for his work in spectral theory, functional analysis, and nonrelativistic quantum mechanics (particularly Schrödinger operators).
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Richard Peirce Brent $($$\text {b. 1946}$$)$

Australian mathematician and computer scientist, whose research interests include number theory (in particular factorisation), random number generators, computer architecture, and analysis of algorithms.
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Charalambos Dionisios Aliprantis $($$\text {b. 1946}$$)$

Greek-American economist and mathematician who introduced Banach space and Riesz space methods in economic theory.
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Celia Mary Hoyles $($$\text {b. 1946}$$)$

British mathematician, educationalist, academic and (at one point in her career) a TV presenter.
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Michel Waldschmidt $($$\text {b. 1946}$$)$

French mathematician, specializing in number theory, especially transcendental numbers.
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Adrian Frederick Melhuish Smith $($$\text {b. 1946}$$)$

English statistician better known for his political influence than intellectual.
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Jean-Marc Deshouillers $($$\text {b. 1946}$$)$

French mathematician specializing in analytic number theory.
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William Paul Thurston $($$\text {1946}$ – $\text {2012}$$)$

American mathematician who specialised in low-dimensional topology.

Won the Fields Medal in 1982 for his work on $3$-manifolds.
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Ingmar Lehmann $($$\text {b. 1946}$$)$

German mathematician, university lecturer and non-fiction author.
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Andrew Chi-Chih Yao $($$\text {b. 1946}$$)$

Chinese-American computer scientist and computational theorist.
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Stanley Rabinowitz $($$\text {b. 1947}$$)$

American mathematician working in number theory.
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Robert William Maclagan Wedderburn $($$\text {1947}$ – $\text {1975}$$)$

Scottish statistician who was co-developer, with John Ashworth Nelder, of the generalized linear model methodology.
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Hermanus Johannes Joseph te Riele $($$\text {b. 1947}$$)$

Dutch mathematician specializing in computational number theory.

Proving the correctness of the Riemann Hypothesis for the first $1.5$ billion non-trivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function, with Jan van de Lune and Dik Winter.

Disproved the Mertens Conjecture, with Andrew Michael Odlyzko.

Known for factoring large numbers of world record size.

Also known for discovering large amicable pairs.

Found a new upper bound for $\map \pi x - \map \Li x$.
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Michel Criton $($$\text {b. 1947}$$)$

French mathematician who has written a number of books on recreational mathematics.
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Yuri Vladimirovich Matiyasevich $($$\text {b. 1947}$$)$

Russian mathematician most famous for proving that Hilbert's Tenth Problem is Unsolvable.
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Mariano Giaquinta $($$\text {b. 1947}$$)$

Italian mathematician mainly known for his contributions to the fields of calculus of variations and regularity theory of partial differential equation.
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Keith James Devlin $($$\text {b. 1947}$$)$

English author and publicist of mathematics.
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Alain Connes $($$\text {b. 1947}$$)$

French mathematician and theoretical physicist, known for his contributions to the study of operator algebras and noncommutative geometry.
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Jeremy John Gray $($$\text {b. 1947}$$)$

English mathematician primarily interested in the history of mathematics.
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Svetlana Katok $($$\text {b. 1947}$$)$

Russian-American mathematician whose interests include automorphic forms, analysis on Riemannian manifolds and symmetric spaces, hyperbolic geometry and Fuchsian groups, and application of dynamical systems to analysis and number theory.
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Ronald Linn Rivest $($$\text {b. 1947}$$)$

American cryptographer and software engineer, best known for his involvement in the creation of the RSA algorithm.

Also well-known for being one of the contributors to 1990: Thomas H. CormenCharles E. Leiserson and Ronald L. Rivest: Introduction to Algorithms.
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Gerald Budge Folland $($$\text {b. 1947}$$)$

American mathematician whose areas of interest are harmonic analysis (on both Euclidean space and Lie groups), differential equations, and mathematical physics.
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Henri Cohen $($$\text {b. 1947}$$)$

French mathematician interested in number theory.
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Thomas Royen $($$\text {b. 1947}$$)$

German professor of statistics best known for his proof of the Gaussian Correlation Inequality.
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John Fauvel $($$\text {1947}$ – $\text {2001}$$)$

English historian of mathematics.
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Peter Lawrence Montgomery $($$\text {b. 1947}$$)$

American mathematician whose specialty is cryptography.
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Andreas Raphael Blass $($$\text {b. 1947}$$)$

German mathematician who works in mathematical logic, particularly set theory, and theoretical computer science.
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Gregory John Chaitin $($$\text {b. 1947}$$)$

Argentinian-American mathematician active mainly in computability theory and metamathematics.
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William Wade Dunham $($$\text {b. 1947}$$)$

American mathematician specialising in topology.

Later became interested in the history of mathematics, particularly that concerning Leonhard Euler.
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Richard E. Crandall $($$\text {1947}$ – $\text {2012}$$)$

American physicist and computer scientist who made contributions to computational number theory.
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Brian Albert Davey $($$\text {b. 1948}$$)$

Canadian mathematician working in lattice theory.
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Michael R. Genesereth $($$\text {b. 1948}$$)$

American professor of computer science.
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Robert Gilmore $($$\text {b. 1948}$$)$

American mathematician best known for his work in group theory, nonlinear dynamics, catastrophe theory, Lie groups and quantum mechanics.
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Roderick Gow $($$\text {c. 1948}$$)$

Scots mathematician working in group theory, group representations, linear algebra, finite fields and Costas arrays.
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Peter Tennant Johnstone $($$\text {b. 1948}$$)$

British mathematician interested in topos theory.
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Hilary Ann Priestley $($$\text {c. 1948}$$)$

British mathematician who introduced ordered separable topological spaces

Contributed to the representation theory of distributive lattices.
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Richard Schroeppel $($$\text {b. 1948}$$)$

American mathematician whose research has included magic squares, elliptic curves and cryptography.
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Alexander Bogomolny $($$\text {1948}$ – $\text {2018}$$)$

Soviet-born American-Israeli mathematician who was creator and custodian of which won awards.

Wrote extensively about arithmetic, probability, algebra, geometry, trigonometry and mathematical games.
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Ian Chiswell $($$\text {b. 1948}$$)$

British mathematician whose main area of research is geometric group theory, especially the theory of trees.

Other interests have included cohomology of groups and ordered groups.
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Miodrag S. Petković $($$\text {b. 1948}$$)$

Serbian mathematician and computer scientist specializing in the theory of iterative processes for solving nonlinear equations and interval mathematics.

Also known for his anthologies of mathematical puzzles.
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László Lovász $($$\text {b. 1948}$$)$

Hungarian mathematician, best known for his work in combinatorics.
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Gregory Charles Reinsel $($$\text {1948}$ – $\text {2004}$$)$

American mathematician best known for his work on time series analysis, forecasting and control.
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Paul Robert Milgrom $($$\text {b. 1948}$$)$

American economist who is also an expert in game theory, specifically auction theory and pricing strategies.

Co-creator of the No-Trade Theorem with Nancy Stokey.
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John Patton Burgess $($$\text {b. 1948}$$)$

American philosopher interested in logic and the philosophy of mathematics.
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Francis H. Clarke $($$\text {b. 1948}$$)$

Canadian and French mathematician, known for his contributions to nonsmooth analysis (a term that is due to him), and particularly for his theory of generalized gradients (gradients généralisés), as well as for his work in optimization, the differential equations , control theory, calculation of variations, and modeling in several application domains.
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David Harold Bailey $($$\text {b. 1948}$$)$

American mathematician and computer scientist best known as the co-creator (with Peter Benjamin Borwein and Simon Plouffe) of the BBP Algorithm.
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Carsten Thomassen $($$\text {b. 1948}$$)$

Danish mathematician whose research concerns discrete mathematics and more specifically graph theory.
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Rudolf Lidl $($$\text {b. 1948}$$)$

Austrian mathematician working in abstract algebra.
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Gaston Henry Gonnet $($$\text {b. 1948}$$)$

Uruguayan Canadian computer scientist and entrepreneur.

Best known for his contributions to the Maple computer algebra system and the creation of an electronic version of the Oxford English Dictionary.
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Bruce Evan Blackadar $($$\text {b. 1948}$$)$

American mathematician researching in the field of operator algebras.
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Leonid Anatolievich Levin $($$\text {b. 1948}$$)$

Ukrainian-American computer scientist best known for his exposition of what is now known as the Cook-Levin Theorem.
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David William Masser $($$\text {b. 1948}$$)$

English mathematician working in number theory.
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Gerard John Murphy $($$\text {1948}$ – $\text {2006}$$)$

Irish mathematician who worked in functional analysis.
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Mordechai Ben-Ari $($$\text {b. 1948}$$)$

Israeli mathematician best known for his work in mathematical logic and computer science.
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Neal Koblitz $($$\text {b. 1948}$$)$

American mathematician known for elliptic and hyperelliptic curve cryptography.
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Michael Benedicks $($$\text {b. 1949}$$)$

Swedish mathematician whose research interests include dynamic systems.
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Robert Ian Goldblatt $($$\text {b. 1949}$$)$

Mathematical logician from New Zealand, most famous for his work on topoi.

Author of the popular book Logics of Time and Computation.

Also the author of a graduate level textbook on hyperreal numbers which is an introduction to nonstandard analysis.
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Yasumasa Kanada $($$\text {1949}$ – $\text {2020}$$)$

Japanese mathematician most known for his numerous world records for calculating digits of $\pi$.

He set the record $11$ of the $21$ times up to $2020$.
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Cameron Leigh Stewart $($$\text {b. 1949}$$)$

Canadian mathematician who has made numerous contributions to number theory.
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Lee Vernon Stiff $($$\text {b. 1949}$$)$

American mathematician working mainly in the field of mathematics education research.

Author and co-author of several mathematics textbooks.
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Boris Iosifovich Zilber $($$\text {b. 1949}$$)$

English mathematician of Uzbekistani origin known for his research in mathematical logic, mainly from model theory.
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Aleksandar Ivić $($$\text {b. 1949}$$)$

Serbian mathematician notable for his work on the Riemann Zeta function.
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Christopher David Godsil $($$\text {b. 1949}$$)$

Australian mathematician, whose interests include algebraic graph theory, combinatorics and optimization.
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Stuart Alan Geman $($$\text {b. 1949}$$)$

American mathematician, known for influential contributions to computer vision, statistics, probability theory, machine learning, and the neurosciences.

He and his brother Donald Jay Geman are famous for proposing the Gibbs Sampler, and for the first proof of the convergence of the Simulated Annealing Algorithm.
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Shing-Tung Yau $($$\text {b. 1949}$$)$

Chinese-American mathematician working on the development of modern differential geometry and geometric analysis..
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Hendrik Willem Lenstra Jr. $($$\text {b. 1949}$$)$

Dutch mathematician working principally in computational number theory.

Well known as the discoverer of the elliptic curve factorization method.

Co-discoverer of the Lenstra-Lenstra-Lovász Lattice Basis Reduction Algorithm.

The Cohen-Lenstra Heuristics, a set of precise conjectures about the structure of class groups of quadratic fields, is named after him.
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Charles Louis Fefferman $($$\text {b. 1949}$$)$

American mathematician best known for his contributions to mathematical analysis.
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András Frank $($$\text {b. 1949}$$)$

Hungarian mathematician, working in combinatorics, especially in graph theory, and combinatorial optimisation.
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Jack Botermans $($$\text {b. 1949}$$)$

Dutch mathematician specialising in puzzles and games.
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Andrew Michael Odlyzko $($$\text {b. 1949}$$)$

Polish-American mathematician who has published extensively on analytic number theory, computational number theory, cryptography, algorithms and computational complexity, combinatorics, probability, and error-correcting codes..

Disproved the Mertens Conjecture, with Hermanus Johannes Joseph te Riele.
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Fan Chung Graham $($$\text {b. 1949}$$)$

Taiwanese-American mathematician noted for her work in the areas of spectral graph theory, extremal graph theory and random graphs.

Generalized the Erdős-Rényi model.

Wife of Ronald Graham, friend and colleague of Paul Erdős.
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Ephraim Joseph Borowski $($$\text {b. 1949}$$)$

Scottish mathematician best known for the Dictionary of Mathematics.
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Lawrence Craig Evans $($$\text {b. 1949}$$)$

American mathematician whose research is in the field of nonlinear partial differential equations, primarily elliptic equations.
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Sheldon Jay Axler $($$\text {b. 1949}$$)$

American mathematician who has made contributions to mathematics education, publishing several mathematics textbooks.
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Faruk Fuad Abi-Khuzam $($$\text {b. c. 1950}$$)$

Lebanese mathematician about whom further information needs to be researched.
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Dmitry P. Mavlo $($$\text {b. 1950}$$)$

Ukrainian educator, mathematician and physicist.
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Hervé Moulin $($$\text {b. 1950}$$)$

French mathematician known for his research contributions in mathematical economics, in particular in the fields of mechanism design, social choice, game theory and fair division.
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Jeremy Stangroom $($$\text {b. 1950}$$)$

British author who specializes in writing about mathematical and scientific topics in an accessible manner.
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Jan Pelant $($$\text {1950}$ – $\text {2005}$$)$

Czechoslovakian mathematician known for his work in topology and functional analysis.
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Richard Martin Foote $($$\text {b. 1950}$$)$

British author best known for his textbook(s).
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Eric Schechter $($$\text {b. 1950}$$)$

American mathematician with interests in analysis and mathematical logic.
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John Marshall Lee $($$\text {b. 1950}$$)$

American mathematician specializing in differential geometry.
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Gerd Rudolph $($$\text {b. 1950}$$)$

German mathematician and physicist specialising in gauge theory.
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David Marc Kreps $($$\text {b. 1950}$$)$

American game theorist and economist, known for his analysis of dynamic choice models and non-cooperative game theory, particularly the idea of sequential equilibrium.
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Charles Alexander Weibel $($$\text {b. 1950}$$)$

American mathematician working on algebraic K-theory, algebraic geometry and homological algebra.
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Eric Stark Maskin $($$\text {b. 1950}$$)$

American economist who introduced the discipline of mechanism design theory.
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Geoffrey Richard Grimmett $($$\text {b. 1950}$$)$

English mathematician best known for his work in probability theory.
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