Mathematician:Mathematicians/Sorted By Nation/Lithuania

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For more comprehensive information on the lives and works of mathematicians through the ages, see the MacTutor History of Mathematics archive, created by John J. O'Connor and Edmund F. Robertson.

The army of those who have made at least one definite contribution to mathematics as we know it soon becomes a mob as we look back over history; 6,000 or 8,000 names press forward for some word from us to preserve them from oblivion, and once the bolder leaders have been recognised it becomes largely a matter of arbitrary, illogical legislation to judge who of the clamouring multitude shall be permitted to survive and who be condemned to be forgotten.
-- Eric Temple Bell: Men of Mathematics, 1937, Victor Gollancz, London


Hermann Minkowski $($$\text {1864}$ – $\text {1909}$$)$

Created and developed the field of geometry of numbers.
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David Borwein $($$\text {1924}$ – $\text {2021}$$)$

Canadian mathematician of Lithuanian origin, best known for his research in the summability theory of series and integrals.

Also working in measure theory and probability theory, number theory, and approximate subgradients and coderivatives, and the properties of single- and many-variable sinc integrals.
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