Mathematician:Nicolaus II Bernoulli
Swiss mathematician who worked mostly on curves, differential equations and probability theory.
He also contributed to hydrodynamics.
Studied as a lawyer, and became involved in the priority dispute between Newton and Leibniz, and also the one between Johann Bernoulli and Brook Taylor.
Posed the problem of reciprocal orthogonal trajectories in $1720$.
Son of Johann Bernoulli and the elder brother of Daniel Bernoulli and Johann II Bernoulli.
- Born: 6 Feb 1695, Basel, Switzerland
- 1708: Studied mathematics and law at the University of Basel
- 1711: Received Master's of Philosophy degree
- 1715: Received a Doctorate in Law
- 1716 - 17: Private tutor in Venice
- 1719: Took the Chair in Mathematics at the University of Padua
- 1723: Law professor at the Berner Oberen Schule
- 1725: Together with his brother Daniel Bernoulli, invited by Peter the Great to the newly founded St. Petersburg Academy
- Died: 31 July 1726, St Petersburg, Russia
He was succeeded at St. Petersburg Academy in 1727 by Leonhard Euler, who had been recommended by the Bernoulli brothers.
Also see
Also known as
1937: Eric Temple Bell: Men of Mathematics refers to Nicolaus II Bernoulli as Nicolaus III Bernoulli, which appears to arise from a confusion between Nicolaus Bernoulli (1662 – 1716) and Nicolaus II Bernoulli (1695 – 1726).
- John J. O'Connor and Edmund F. Robertson: "Nicolaus II Bernoulli": MacTutor History of Mathematics archive
- 2008: Ian Stewart: Taming the Infinite ... (previous) ... (next): Chapter $6$: Curves and Coordinates: Cartesian coordinates