Mathematician:Serenus of Antinoupolis

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Egyptian mathematician known for his commentary on the Conics of Apollonius of Perga.

This is now lost. We know about it through the writings of Theon of Alexandria.

Also wrote at least two original works of his own, whose survival is directly due to their association with Conics.




  • Born: c. 300 CE, Antinoupolis, Egypt (or possibly Antinoeia)
  • Died: c. 360 CE

Theorems and Definitions

Books and Papers

  • On the Section of a Cylinder
  • On the Section of a Cone

Also known as

The spelling of Antinoupolis changes, so he is variously known as Serenus of Antinouplis, Serenus of Antinopolis, and so on.
