Multiplication of Natural Numbers is Provable

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Let $x, y \in \N$ be natural numbers.

Then there exists a formal proof of:

$\sqbrk x \times \sqbrk y = \sqbrk {x \times y}$

in minimal arithmetic, where $\sqbrk a$ is the unary representation of $a$.


By Unary Representation of Natural Number, let $\sqbrk a$ denote the term $\map s {\dots \map s 0}$, where there are $a$ applications of the successor mapping to the constant $0$.

Proceed by induction on $y$.

Base Case

Let $y = 0$.

Then $\sqbrk y = 0$.

The following is a formal proof:

By the tableau method of natural deduction:

$\sqbrk x \times 0 = 0$
Line Pool Formula Rule Depends upon Notes
1 $\forall a: a \times 0 = 0$ Axiom $\text M 5$
2 $\sqbrk x \times 0 = 0$ Universal Instantiation

But $x \times 0 = 0$.

Therefore, $\sqbrk {x \times 0} = \sqbrk 0$.

Thus, the proof above is a formal proof of $\sqbrk x \times 0 = \sqbrk {x \times 0}$.


Induction Step

Let there exist a formal proof of $\sqbrk x \times \sqbrk y = \sqbrk {x \times y}$.

Then the following is a formal proof:

By the tableau method of natural deduction:

$\sqbrk x \times \map s {\sqbrk y} = \sqbrk {\paren {x \times y} + x} $
Line Pool Formula Rule Depends upon Notes
1 $\sqbrk x \times \sqbrk y = \sqbrk {x \times y}$ Theorem Introduction (None) Induction hypothesis
2 $\forall a, b: a = b \implies a + \sqbrk x = b + \sqbrk x$ Theorem Introduction (None) Substitution Property of Equality
3 $\sqbrk x \times \sqbrk y = \sqbrk {x \times y} \implies \paren {\sqbrk x \times \sqbrk y} + \sqbrk x = \sqbrk {x \times y} + \sqbrk x$ Universal Instantiation 2
4 $\paren {\sqbrk x \times \sqbrk y} + \sqbrk x = \sqbrk {x \times y} + \sqbrk x$ Modus Ponendo Ponens 3, 2
5 $\forall a, b: a \times \map s b = \paren {a \times b} + a$ Axiom $\text M 6$
6 $\sqbrk x \times \map s {\sqbrk y} = \paren {\sqbrk x \times \sqbrk y} + \sqbrk x$ Universal Instantiation 5
7 $\sqbrk x \times \map s {\sqbrk y} = \paren {\sqbrk x \times \sqbrk y} + \sqbrk x \land \paren {\sqbrk x \times \sqbrk y} + \sqbrk x = \sqbrk {x \times y} + \sqbrk x$ Rule of Conjunction 6, 4
8 $\forall a,b,c: \paren {a = b} \land \paren {b = c} \implies a = c$ Theorem Introduction (None) Equality is Transitive
9 $\sqbrk x \times \map s {\sqbrk y} = \paren {\sqbrk x \times \sqbrk y} + \sqbrk x \land \paren {\sqbrk x \times \sqbrk y} + \sqbrk x = \sqbrk {x \times y} + \sqbrk x \implies \sqbrk x \times \map s {\sqbrk y} = \sqbrk {x \times y} + \sqbrk x$ Universal Instantiation 8
10 $\sqbrk x \times \map s {\sqbrk y} = \sqbrk {x \times y} + \sqbrk x$ Modus Ponendo Ponens 9, 7
11 $\sqbrk {x \times y} + \sqbrk x = \sqbrk {\paren {x \times y} + x}$ Theorem Introduction (None) Addition of Natural Numbers is Provable
12 $\sqbrk x \times \map s {\sqbrk y} = \sqbrk {x \times y} + \sqbrk x \land \sqbrk {x \times y} + \sqbrk x = \sqbrk {\paren {x \times y} + x}$ Rule of Conjunction 10, 11
13 $\sqbrk x \times \map s {\sqbrk y} = \sqbrk {x \times y} + \sqbrk x \land \sqbrk {x \times y} + \sqbrk x = \sqbrk {\paren {x \times y} + x} \implies \sqbrk x \times \map s {\sqbrk y} = \sqbrk {\paren {x \times y} + x}$ Universal Instantiation 8
14 $\sqbrk x \times \map s {\sqbrk y} = \sqbrk {\paren {x \times y} + x}$ Modus Ponendo Ponens 13, 12

Therefore, there exists a formal proof of $\sqbrk x \times \map s {\sqbrk y} = \sqbrk {\paren {x \times y} + x}$.

But $\sqbrk y$ consists of $y$ applications of the successor mapping to the constant $0$.

Thus, $\map s {\sqbrk y}$ consists of $y + 1 = \map s y$ mappings of $s$ to $0$.

As that is the unary representation of $\map s y$ it follows that:

$\map s {\sqbrk y} = \sqbrk {\map s y}$

By definition of multiplication:

$x \times \map s y = \paren {x \times y} + x$

Therefore, the above proof also proves:

$\sqbrk x \times \sqbrk {\map s y} = \sqbrk {x \times \map s y}$

as the WFFs are syntactically identical.


Thus, by the Principle of Mathematical Induction, there exists such a formal proof for every $y \in \N$.

As $x$ was arbitrary, there exists such a formal proof for every $x, y \in \N$.
