Pointwise Lower Limit of Measurable Functions is Measurable
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Let $\struct {X, \Sigma}$ be a measurable space.
Let $\sequence {f_n}_{n \mathop \in \N}$, $f_n: X \to \overline \R$ be a sequence of $\Sigma$-measurable functions.
Then the pointwise lower limit:
- $\ds \liminf_{n \mathop \to \infty} f_n: X \to \overline \R$
is also $\Sigma$-measurable.
By definition of limit inferior, we have:
- $\ds \liminf_{n \mathop \to \infty} f_n = \sup_{m \mathop \in \N} \ \inf_{n \mathop \ge m} f_n$
The result follows from combining:
- Pointwise Infimum of Measurable Functions is Measurable
- Pointwise Supremum of Measurable Functions is Measurable
- 2005: René L. Schilling: Measures, Integrals and Martingales ... (previous) ... (next): $8.9$