Polynomial Factor Theorem
Let $\map P x$ be a polynomial in $x$ over a field $K$ of degree $n$.
- $\xi \in K: \map P \xi = 0 \iff \map P x = \paren {x - \xi} \map Q x$
where $Q$ is a polynomial of degree $n - 1$.
Hence, if $\xi_1, \xi_2, \ldots, \xi_n \in K$ such that all are different, and $\map P {\xi_1} = \map P {\xi_2} = \dotsb = \map P {\xi_n} = 0$, then:
- $\ds \map P x = k \prod_{j \mathop = 1}^n \paren {x - \xi_j}$
where $k \in K$.
Let $\map P x$ be a polynomial in $x$ over the real numbers $\R$ of degree $n$.
Suppose there exists $\xi \in \R: \map P \xi = 0$.
Then $\map P x = \paren {x - \xi} \map Q x$, where $\map Q x$ is a polynomial of degree $n - 1$.
Hence, if $\xi_1, \xi_2, \dotsc, \xi_n \in \R$ such that all are different, and $\map P {\xi_1} = \map P {\xi_2} = \dotsb = \map P {\xi_n} = 0$, then:
- $\ds \map P x = k \prod_{j \mathop = 1}^n \paren {x - \xi_j}$
where $k \in \R$.
Let $P = \paren {x - \xi} Q$.
- $\map P \xi = \map Q \xi \cdot 0 = 0$
Conversely, let $\map P \xi = 0$.
By the Division Theorem for Polynomial Forms over Field, there exist polynomials $Q$ and $R$ such that:
- $P = \map Q {x - \xi} + R$
- $\map \deg R < \map \deg {x - \xi} = 1$
Evaluating at $\xi$ we have:
- $0 = \map P \xi = \map R \xi$
- $\deg R = 0$
- $R \in K$
In particular:
- $R = 0$
- $P = \map Q {x - \xi}$
as required.
The fact that $\map \deg Q = n - 1$ follows from:
We can then apply this result to:
- $\map P {\xi_1} = \map P {\xi_2} = \dotsb = \map P {\xi_n} = 0$
We can progressively work through:
- $\map P x = \paren {x - \xi_1} \map {Q_{n - 1} } x$
where $\map {Q_{n - 1} } x$ is a polynomial of order $n - 1$.
Then, substituting $\xi_2$ for $x$:
- $0 = \map P {\xi_2} = \paren {\xi_2 - \xi_1} \map {Q_{n - 1} } x$
Since $\xi_2 \ne \xi_1$:
- $\map {Q_{n - 1} } {\xi_2} = 0$
and we can apply the above result again:
- $\map {Q_{n - 1} } x = \paren {x - \xi_2} \map {Q_{n - 2} } x$
- $\map P x = \paren {x - \xi_1} \paren {x - \xi_2} \map {Q_{n - 2} } x$
and we then move on to consider $\xi_3$.
Eventually we reach:
- $\map P x = \paren {x - \xi_1} \paren {x - \xi_2} \dotsm \paren {x - \xi_n} \map {Q_0} x$
$\map {Q_0} x$ is a polynomial of zero degree, that is a constant polynomial.
The result follows.
Also known as
Some sources refer to the Polynomial Factor Theorem (and its variants) as the Factor Theorem, but there are multiple theorems with this name.
- 1978: Thomas A. Whitelaw: An Introduction to Abstract Algebra ... (previous) ... (next): Chapter $9$: Rings: Exercise $24$