Prime Element iff Meet Irreducible in Distributive Lattice

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Let $L = \struct {S, \vee, \wedge, \preceq}$ be a distributive lattice.

Let $p \in S$.

Then $p$ is a prime element if and only if $p$ is meet irreducible.


By Prime Element is Meet Irreducible:

if $p$ is a prime element, then $p$ is meet irreducible.

Assume that:

$p$ is meet irreducible.

Let $x, y \in S$ such that:

$x \wedge y \preceq p$
\(\ds p\) \(=\) \(\ds p \vee \paren {x \wedge y}\) Preceding iff Join equals Larger Operand
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \paren {p \vee x} \wedge \paren {p \vee y}\) Definition of Distributive Lattice

By definition of meet irreducible:

$p = p \vee x$ or $p = p \vee y$

Thus by Preceding iff Join equals Larger Operand:

$x \preceq p$ or $y \preceq p$

