Prime Exponent Function is Primitive Recursive

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Let $n \in \N$ be a natural number.

Let $\tuple {n, j}: \N^2 \to \N$ be defined as:

$\tuple {n, j} = \paren n_j$

where $\paren n_j$ is the prime exponent function.

Then $\tuple {n, j}$ is primitive recursive.


Let $\map p j$ be the prime enumeration function.

For $n \ne 0$ and $j \ne 0$, we see that $\paren n_j$ is the largest value of $k$ for which $\map p j^k$ is a divisor of $n$.

Thus $\paren n_j$ is the smallest value of $k$ for which $\map p j^{k + 1}$ is not a divisor of $n$.

We note that if $r \ge n$ and $j \ne 0$, we have $\map p j^r \ge 2^r \ge 2^n > n$.

Thus $n$ is a (generous) upper bound of $\paren n_j$.

The condition that $\map p j^{k + 1}$ is not a divisor of $n$ can be expressed as:

$\map {\operatorname{div} } {n, \map p j^{k + 1} } = 0$


$\operatorname{div}$ is primitive recursive
The Equality Relation is Primitive Recursive
$\map p j$ is primitive recursive
Exponentiation is Primitive Recursive
Addition is Primitive Recursive.

So we see that the relation:

$\map \RR {n, j, k} \iff \map {\operatorname{div} } {n, \map p j^{k + 1} } = 0$

is primitive recursive.

From Bounded Minimization is Primitive Recursive, we also see that:

$\paren n_j = \begin{cases}

\mu k \le n \map \RR {n, j, k} & : n \ne 0 \land j \ne 0 \\ 0 & : \text{otherwise} \end{cases}$ is primitive recursive.

The result follows.
