Prime Ideals of Ring of Integers
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Let $\struct {\Z, +, \times}$ denote the ring of integers.
Let $J$ be a prime ideal of $\Z$.
Then either:
- $J = \set 0$
- $J = \ideal p$
- $p$ is a prime number
- $\ideal p$ denotes the principal ideal of $\Z$ generated by $p$.
From Prime Ideal iff Quotient Ring is Integral Domain:
- $J$ is a prime ideal of $\Z$ if and only if $\Z / J$ is an integral domain.
From Quotient Ring of Integers and Zero:
- $\Z / \set 0 \cong \Z$
As $\Z$ is an integral domain, it follows that $\set 0$ is a prime ideal of $\Z$.
From Quotient Ring of Integers with Principal Ideal:
- $\struct {\Z, +, \times} / \ideal p$ is isomorphic to $\struct {\Z_p, +_p, \times_p}$, the ring of integers modulo $p$.
From Ring of Integers Modulo Prime is Integral Domain:
- $\struct {\Z_n, +_n, \times_p}$ is an integral domain if and only if $p$ is prime.
The result follows.
- 1978: Thomas A. Whitelaw: An Introduction to Abstract Algebra ... (previous) ... (next): Chapter $9$: Rings: Exercise $13$