Propositiones ad Acuendos Juvenes/Problems/48 - De Homine qui Obviavit Scolaris

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Propositiones ad Acuendos Juvenes by Alcuin of York: Problem $48$

De Homine qui Obviavit Scolaris
A Man Meeting some Scholars
A man met some scholars and said to them: "How many are there in your school?"
One of them answered: "I don't want to tell you that.
Count us twice and multiply by $3$.
Then divide into $4$ parts.
If you add me to this $4$th part, you will have $100$."




Let $x$ be the number of scholars in the school.

Then we have:

$\dfrac {3 \paren {x + x} } 4 + 1 = 100$

That is, after algebra:

$\dfrac {3 x} 2 = 99$

The result follows.

