Propositiones ad Acuendos Juvenes/Problems/50 - De Vino in Vasculum

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Propositiones ad Acuendos Juvenes by Alcuin of York: Problem $50$

De Vino in Vasculum
Wine in Flasks
How many sextarii are there in $100$ metri of wine,
and how many meri are there in the same $100$ metri?


$4800$ sextarii

which is:

$28 \, 800$ meri.


There are $48$ sextarii to the metra.

There are $6$ meri to the sextarius.

Thus the number of sextarii in $100$ metri is:

$48 \times 100 = 4800$

and the meri in $100$ metri is:

$6 \times 4800 = 28 \, 800$


Historical Note

The original text from Alcuin gives that there are $289$ meri to the metra, rather than the $288$ that are obtained by straightforward multiplication.

It is not clear whether this is what the exact number of them is, or whether Alcuin made a mistake in his arithmetic when multiplying $48$ by $6$.
