Real Natural Logarithm is Restriction of Complex Natural Logarithm

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Let $\ln: \C_{\ne 0} \to \C$ be the complex natural logarithm.

Let $\ln': \R_{>0} \to \R$ be the real natural logarithm.


$\ln' = \ln \restriction_{\R_{>0} \times \R}$

That is, the real natural logarithm is the restriction of the complex natural logarithm.


From Domain of Real Natural Logarithm:

$\operatorname{Dom} \left({\ln'}\right) = \R_{>0}$

From Image of Real Natural Logarithm:

$\operatorname{Im} \left({\ln'}\right) = \R$

Let $z \in \C$ such that $z = x + i y$.

Let $z$ be expressed in exponential form as $z = r e^{i \theta}$.

Let $x > 0$ and $y = 0$.

Thus $z \in \R_{>0}$.


\(\ds \ln z\) \(=\) \(\ds \left\{ {\ln' r + i \theta + 2 \pi k i}\right\}\)
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \left\{ {\ln' x + 2 \pi k i}\right\}\) as $r = x$ and $\theta = 0$

In order for $\ln z \in \R$ it is necessary that $k = 0$.

Thus $\ln z = \ln' x$.

Hence the result.
