Relation is Connected and Reflexive iff Total

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Let $S$ be a set.

Let $\RR$ be a relation on $S$.


$\RR$ is both a connected relation and a reflexive relation

if and only if:

$\RR$ is a total relation.


Necessary Condition

Let $\RR$ be a relation on $S$ which is both connected and reflexive.

Let $\tuple {a, b} \in S \times S$.

Suppose $a = b$.

Then as $\RR$ is reflexive, $\tuple {a, b} \in \RR$.

Suppose $a \ne b$.

Then as $\RR$ is connected, $\tuple {a, b} \in \RR \lor \tuple {b, a} \in \RR$.

That is:

$\forall \tuple {a, b} \in S \times S: \tuple {a, b} \in \RR \lor \tuple {b, a} \in \RR$.

Thus $\RR$ is a total relation.


Sufficient Condition

Let $\RR$ be a total relation on $S$.


$\forall \tuple {a, b} \in S \times S: \tuple {a, b} \in \RR \lor \tuple {b, a} \in \RR$

by definition.


$\forall \tuple {a, a} \in S \times S: \tuple {a, a} \in \RR$

and so $\RR$ is reflexive.

If $a \ne b$ the condition still holds, and so:

$\forall \tuple {a, b} \in S \times S: a \ne b \implies \tuple {a, b} \in \RR \lor \tuple {b, a} \in \RR$

and so $\RR$ is connected.
