Relationship between Component Types

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Let $T = \struct {S, \tau}$ be a topological space.

Let $p \in S$.


$A$ be the arc component of $p$
$P$ be the path component of $p$
$C$ be the component of $p$
$Q$ be the quasicomponent of $p$.


$A \subseteq P \subseteq C \subseteq Q$

In general, the inclusions do not hold in the other direction.


Let $f \in A$.

By Arc in Topological Space is Path we have that $f \in P$.

That is, $A \subseteq P$.


Let $f \in P$.

From Path-Connected Space is Connected we have directly that $P \subseteq C$.


Let $f \in C$.

From Connected Space is Connected Between Two Points we have directly that $C \subseteq Q$.


Hence the result.


Also see
