Set of Even Numbers is Primitive Recursive

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Let $E \subseteq \N$ be the set of all even natural numbers.

Then $E$ is primitive recursive.


If $n \in E$ then $n$ is of the form $n = 2 k$ where $k \in \N$.

We have that:

So $\chi_E$ can be defined by:

$\chi_E \left({n}\right) = \begin{cases}

1 & : n = 0 \\ \overline{\operatorname{sgn}} \left({\chi_E \left({n-1}\right)}\right) & : n > 0 \end{cases}$

So $\chi_E$ is obtained by primitive recursion from the constant $1$ and the primitive recursive function $\overline{\operatorname{sgn}}$.

Hence the result.
