Signed Stirling Number of the First Kind of Number with Greater

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Let $n, k \in \Z_{\ge 0}$

Let $k > n$.

Let $\map s {n, k}$ denote a signed Stirling number of the first kind.


$\map s {n, k} = 0$


By definition, the signed Stirling numbers of the first kind are defined as the polynomial coefficients $\map s {n, k}$ which satisfy the equation:

$\ds x^{\underline n} = \sum_k \map s {n, k} x^k$

where $x^{\underline n}$ denotes the $n$th falling factorial of $x$.

Both of the expressions on the left hand side and right hand side are polynomials in $x$ of degree $n$.

Hence the coefficient $\map s {n, k}$ of $x^k$ where $k > n$ is $0$.


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