Smallest Prime Number whose Period is of Maximum Length

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$7$ is the smallest prime number the period of whose reciprocal, when expressed in decimal notation, is maximum:

$\dfrac 1 7 = 0 \cdotp \dot 14285 \dot 7$


From Maximum Period of Reciprocal of Prime, the maximum period of $\dfrac 1 p$ is $p - 1$.

$\dfrac 1 2 = 0 \cdotp 5$: not recurring.
$\dfrac 1 3 = 0 \cdotp \dot 3$: recurring with period $1$.
$\dfrac 1 5 = 0 \cdotp 2$: not recurring.
$\dfrac 1 7 = 0 \cdotp \dot 14285 \dot 7$: recurring with period $6$.

