Statement Form/Examples

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Examples of Statement Forms


Napoleon is dead and the world is rejoicing

has the statement form:

$A \land B$


$A$ stands for Napoleon is dead
$B$ stands for The world is rejoicing

Shape of Eggs

If all eggs are not square then all eggs are round

has the statement form

$A \implies B$


$A$ stands for All eggs are not square
$B$ stands for All eggs are round


If the barometer falls then either it will rain or it will snow

has the statement form

$A \implies \paren {B \lor C}$


$A$ stands for The barometer falls
$B$ stands for It will rain
$C$ stands for It will snow

Arbitrary Example 1

If demand has remained constant and prices have been increased, then turnover must have decreased

has the statement form

$\paren {A \land B} \implies C$


$A$ stands for Demand has remained constant
$B$ stands for Prices have been increased
$C$ stands for Turnover must have decreased.

Arbitrary Example 2

We shall win the election, provided that Jones is elected leader of the party

has the statement form

$A \implies B$


$A$ stands for Jones is elected leader of the party
$B$ stands for We shall win the election.

Arbitrary Example 3

If Jones is not elected leader of the party, then either Smith or Robinson will leave the cabinet, and we shall lose the election

has the statement form

$\neg A \implies \paren {\paren {B \lor C} \land D}$


$A$ stands for Jones is elected leader of the party
$B$ stands for Smith will leave the cabinet
$C$ stands for Robinson will leave the cabinet
$D$ stands for We shall lose the election.

Arbitrary Example 4

If $x$ is a rational number and $y$ is an integer, then $z$ is not real

has the statement form

$\paren {A \land B} \implies \neg C$


$A$ stands for $x$ is a rational number
$B$ stands for $y$ is an integer
$C$ stands for $z$ is real.

Arbitrary Example 5

Either the murderer has left the country or somebody is harbouring him

has the statement form

$A \lor B$


$A$ stands for The murderer has left the country
$B$ stands for Somebody is harbouring him.

Arbitrary Example 6

If the murderer has not left the country, then somebody is harbouring him

has the statement form

$\neg A \implies B$


$A$ stands for The murderer has left the country
$B$ stands for Somebody is harbouring him.

Arbitrary Example 7

The sum of two numbers is even if and only if either both numbers are even or both numbers are odd

has the statement form

$A \iff \paren {B \lor C}$


$A$ stands for The sum of two numbers is even
$B$ stands for Both numbers are even.
$C$ stands for Both numbers are odd.

Arbitrary Example 8

If $y$ is an integer then $z$ is not real, provided that $x$ is a rational number

has the statement form

$A \implies \paren {B \implies \neg C}$


$A$ stands for $x$ is a rational number
$B$ stands for $y$ is an integer.
$C$ stands for $z$ is real.

Of the above statements:

Arbitrary Example 1 and Arbitrary Example 4 have the same statement form
Shape of Eggs and Arbitrary Example 2 have the same statement form.

Of the above statements:

Arbitrary Example 5 and Arbitrary Example 6 have the same meaning


Arbitrary Example 4 and Arbitrary Example 8 have the same meaning.
