Symbols:Abstract Algebra/Ordering
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- $\preceq, \preccurlyeq, \curlyeqprec$
Used to indicate an ordering relation on a general ordered set $\struct {S, \preceq}$, $\struct{T, \preccurlyeq}$ etc.
Their inverses are $\succeq$, $\succcurlyeq$ and $\curlyeqsucc$.
We also have:
- $\prec$, which means: $\preceq$ or $\preccurlyeq$, etc. and $\ne$
- $\succ$, which means: $\succeq$ or $\succcurlyeq$, etc. and $\ne$.
Their $\LaTeX$ codes are as follows:
- $\preceq$:
- $\preccurlyeq$:
- $\curlyeqprec$:
- $\prec$:
- $\succeq$:
- $\succcurlyeq$:
- $\curlyeqsucc$:
- $\succ$:
The symbols $\le, <, \ge, >$ and their variants can also be used in the context of a general ordering if desired.
However, it is usually better to reserve them for the conventional orderings between numbers.