Topological Closure of Singleton is Irreducible/Proof 2

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Let $T = \struct {S, \tau}$ be a topological space.

Let $x$ be a point of $T$.


$\set x^-$ is irreducible

where $\set x^-$ denotes the topological closure of $\set x$.


Aiming for a contradiction, suppose that

$\set x^-$ is not irreducible.

By Set is Subset of its Topological Closure:

$\set x \subseteq \set x^-$

By definitions of singleton and Subset:

$x \in \set x^-$

By definition of irreducible:

$\exists X_1, X_2 \subseteq S: X_1, X_2$ are closed


\(\ds \set x^-\) \(=\) \(\ds X_1 \cup X_2\)
\(\, \ds \text {and} \, \) \(\ds \set x^-\) \(\ne\) \(\ds X_1\)
\(\, \ds \text {and} \, \) \(\ds \set x^-\) \(\ne\) \(\ds X_2\)

By definition of union:

$x \in X_1$ or $x \in X_2$

By definitions of singleton and subset:

$\set x \subseteq X_1$ or $\set x \subseteq X_2$

By definition of closure :

$\set x^- \subseteq X_1$ or $\set x^- \subseteq X_2$

By Set is Subset of Union:

$X_1 \subseteq \set x$ and $X_2 \subseteq \set x$

Thus by definition of set equality:

this contradicts $\set x^- \ne X_1$ and $\set x^- \ne X_2$
