User talk:Alecscooper/Sandbox

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Hang on, pal - I've already posted this one up: Sum of Sequence of Products of Consecutive Fibonacci Numbers

Yeah, I know, it's for an outside thing. I'm using it for a contest, but the format they asked for is slightly different, so I have to modify parts and put it all together. Thanks though. --Cynic (talk) 20:56, 28 June 2009 (UTC)

Cool! Good luck with that contest! (Give us some of the credit if you win, huh?) ;-) --Prime.mover 21:01, 28 June 2009 (UTC)

re Cancellable semiring commutative. Proof given for distributor having right identity does not require associative distributor. Confirms that theorem should be stated more generally, not just for semiring (also semiring requires a 0 but proof does not).