Category:Limits and Colimits

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This category contains results about limits and colimits in the context of Category Theory.
Definitions specific to this category can be found in Definitions/Limits and Colimits.

Let $\mathbf C$ be a metacategory.

Let $D: \mathbf J \to \mathbf C$ be a $\mathbf J$-diagram in $\mathbf C$.

Let $\mathbf{Cone} \left({D}\right)$ be the category of cones to $D$.

A limit for $D$ is a terminal object in $\mathbf{Cone} \left({D}\right)$.

It is denoted by $\varprojlim_j D_j$; the associated morphisms $p_i: \varprojlim_j D_j \to D_i$ are usually left implicit.


This category has only the following subcategory.

Pages in category "Limits and Colimits"

The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.