Definition:Kronecker Delta

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Let $\Gamma$ be a set.

Let $R$ be a ring with unity whose zero is $0_R$ and whose unity is $1_R$.

Then $\delta_{\alpha \beta}: \Gamma \times \Gamma \to R$ is the mapping on the cartesian square of $\Gamma$ defined as:

$\quad \forall \tuple {\alpha, \beta} \in \Gamma \times \Gamma: \delta_{\alpha \beta} := \begin{cases} 1_R & : \alpha = \beta \\ 0_R & : \alpha \ne \beta \end{cases}$

This use of $\delta$ is known as the Kronecker delta notation or Kronecker delta convention.


The concept is most often seen when $R$ is one of the standard number systems, in which case the image is merely $\set {0, 1}$:

Let $\Gamma$ be a set.

Then $\delta_{\alpha \beta}: \Gamma \times \Gamma \to \set {0, 1}$ is the mapping on the cartesian square of $\Gamma$ defined as:

$\quad \forall \tuple {\alpha, \beta} \in \Gamma \times \Gamma: \delta_{\alpha \beta} := \begin {cases} 1 & : \alpha = \beta \\ 0 & : \alpha \ne \beta \end {cases}$

Also denoted as

When used in the context of tensors, the notation can often be seen as ${\delta^i}_j$.

Also presented as

The Kronecker delta can be expressed using Iverson bracket notation as:

$\delta_{\alpha \beta} := \sqbrk {\alpha = \beta}$

Also see

  • Results about the Kronecker delta can be found here.

Source of Name

This entry was named for Leopold Kronecker.

Historical Note

The Kronecker delta notation was invented by Leopold Kronecker in $1868$.
