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Scientific Notation

Let $n$ be a number expressed in scientific notation as:

$n \approx m \times 10^e$

The number $m$ is known as the mantissa.

Common Logarithm

Let $n \in \R$ be a positive real number such that $0 < n < 1$.

Let $n$ be presented (possibly approximated) in scientific notation as:

$a \times 10^d$

where $d \in \Z$ is an integer.

Let $\log_{10} n$ be expressed in the form:

$\log_{10} n = \begin {cases} c \cdotp m & : d \ge 0 \\ \overline c \cdotp m & : d < 0 \end {cases}$


$c = \size d$ is the absolute value of $d$
$m := \log_{10} a$

$\log_{10} a$ is the mantissa of $\log_{10} n$.

Linguistic Note

The plural form of mantissa is mantissae.
