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Let $\struct {S, \RR}$ be a relational structure.

Let $T \subseteq S$ be a subset of $S$.

Definition 1

An element $x \in T$ is a minimal element (under $\RR$) of $T$ if and only if:

$\forall y \in T: y \mathrel \RR x \implies x = y$

Definition 2

An element $x \in T$ is a minimal element (under $\RR$) of $T$ if and only if:

$\neg \exists y \in T: y \mathrel {\RR^\ne} x$

where $y \mathrel {\RR^\ne} x$ denotes that $y \mathrel \RR x$ but $y \ne x$.

Comparison with Smallest Element

Compare the definition of a minimal element with that of a smallest element.

Consider the ordered set $\struct {S, \preceq}$ such that $T \subseteq S$.

An element $x \in T$ is the smallest element of $T$ if and only if:

$\forall y \in T: x \preceq y$

That is, $x$ is comparable with, and precedes, or is equal to, every $y \in T$.

An element $x \in T$ is a minimal element of $T$ if and only if:

$y \preceq x \implies x = y$

That is, $x$ precedes, or is equal to, every $y \in T$ which is comparable with $x$.

If all elements are comparable with $x$, then such a minimal element is indeed the smallest element.

Note that when an ordered set is in fact a totally ordered set, the terms minimal element and smallest element are equivalent.

Also defined as

Most treatments of the concept of a minimal element restrict the definition of the relation $\RR$ to the requirement that it be an ordering.

However, this is not strictly required, and this more general definition as used on $\mathsf{Pr} \infty \mathsf{fWiki}$ is of far more use.

Also known as

Some sources refer to a minimal element as an atom.

However, the latter term has a meaning in several different contexts, so will not be used like this on $\mathsf{Pr} \infty \mathsf{fWiki}$.


Finite Subsets of Natural Numbers

Let $\FF$ denote the set of finite subsets of the natural numbers $\N$.

Consider the ordered set $\struct {\FF, \subseteq}$.

There is one minimal element of $\struct {\FF, \subseteq}$, and that is the empty set $\O$.

Finite Subsets of Natural Numbers less Empty Set

Let $\FF$ denote the set of finite subsets of the natural numbers $\N$.

Let $\GG$ denote the set $\FF \setminus \set \O$, that is, $\FF$ with the empty set excluded.

Consider the ordered set $\struct {\GG, \subseteq}$.

The minimal elements of $\struct {\GG, \subseteq}$ are the sets of the form $\set n$, for $n \in \N$.

Also see

  • Results about minimal elements can be found here.