Definition:Elastic Modulus

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This page is about Elastic Modulus. For other uses, see Modulus.


An elastic modulus is a ratio of stress to strain for a body or a substance which obeys Hooke's Law.

Hence an elastic modulus is the slope of the linear region of a stress-strain diagram.

The type of elastic modulus is dependent on the type of strain under discussion.

Young's Modulus

Definition:Young's Modulus

Bulk Modulus

Let $B$ be an elastic body.

The bulk modulus of $B$ is a physical property of $B$ which measures its resistance to change in volume without change of shape.

It is defined as the ratio of compressive stress per surface area of $B$ to its change of volume per unit volume associated with this stress, assuming uniform pressure over the surface of $B$.

Rigidity Modulus

Definition:Rigidity Modulus

Also known as

An elastic modulus is also known as a modulus of elasticity.

Also see

  • Results about elastic moduli can be found here.

Linguistic Note

The plural of modulus is moduli.
