Lagrange Interpolation Formula/Formulation 1

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Let $\tuple {x_0, \ldots, x_n}$ and $\tuple {a_0, \ldots, a_n}$ be ordered tuples of real numbers such that $x_i \ne x_j$ for $i \ne j$.

Then there exists a unique polynomial $P \in \R \sqbrk X$ of degree at most $n$ such that:

$\map P {x_i} = a_i$ for all $i \in \set {0, 1, \ldots, n}$

Moreover $P$ is given by the formula:

$\ds \map P X = \sum_{j \mathop = 0}^n a_i \map {L_j} X$

where $\map {L_j} X$ is the $j$th Lagrange basis polynomial associated to the $x_i$.


Recall the definition:

$\ds \map {L_j} X = \prod_{\substack {0 \mathop \le i \mathop \le n \\ i \mathop \ne j}} \frac {X - x_i} {x_j - x_i} \in \R \sqbrk X$

From this we see that:

$\map {L_j} {x_i} = \delta_{i j}$


$\ds \map P{x_i} = \sum_{j \mathop = 0}^n a_i \delta_{i j} = a_i$

Moreover, by Degree of Product of Polynomials over Integral Domain and Degree of Sum of Polynomials, the degree of $P$ as defined above is at most $n$.

It remains to show that the choice of $P$ is unique.

Aiming for a contradiction, suppose $\tilde P$ is another polynomial with the required properties.

Let $\Delta = P - \tilde P$.

By Degree of Sum of Polynomials, the degree of $\Delta$ is at most $n$.

Now we see that for $i = 0, \ldots, n$:

$\map \Delta {x_i} = \map P {x_i} - \map {\tilde P} {x_i} = a_i - a_i = 0$

Since by hypothesis the $x_i$ are distinct, $\Delta$ has $n + 1$ distinct zeros in $\R$.

But by the corollary to the Polynomial Factor Theorem this shows that:

$\ds \map \Delta X = \alpha \prod_{i \mathop = 0}^n \paren {X - x_i}$

If $\alpha \ne 0$, then this shows that the degree of $\Delta$ is $n+1$, a contradiction.


$\Delta = 0$

and so:

$P = \tilde P$

This establishes uniqueness.


Also known as

The Lagrange interpolation formula can also be styled as Lagrange's interpolation formula.

Also see

Source of Name

This entry was named for Joseph Louis Lagrange.
