Mathematician:Mathematicians/Sorted By Birth/1931 - 1940 CE

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For more comprehensive information on the lives and works of mathematicians through the ages, see the MacTutor History of Mathematics archive, created by John J. O'Connor and Edmund F. Robertson.

The army of those who have made at least one definite contribution to mathematics as we know it soon becomes a mob as we look back over history; 6,000 or 8,000 names press forward for some word from us to preserve them from oblivion, and once the bolder leaders have been recognised it becomes largely a matter of arbitrary, illogical legislation to judge who of the clamouring multitude shall be permitted to survive and who be condemned to be forgotten.
-- Eric Temple Bell: Men of Mathematics, 1937, Victor Gollancz, London

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$\text {1931}$ – $\text {1940}$


Seymour Saul Lipschutz $($$\text {b. 1931}$$)$

American mathematician who is an author of technical books on pure mathematics and probability, including a collection of Schaum's Outlines.
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Henri J. Nussbaumer $($$\text {b. 1931}$$)$

French mathematician and engineer who has written a few works on the fast fourier transform.
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Elias Menachem Stein $($$\text {1931}$ – $\text {2018}$$)$

Belgian-born American mathematician known as a leading figure in the field of harmonic analysis.
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Lars Valter Hörmander $($$\text {1931}$ – $\text {2012}$$)$

Swedish mathematician best known for his work on linear partial differential equations.
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Arthur Beiser $($$\text {b. 1931}$$)$

American physicist best known for his physics textbooks.
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John Willard Milnor $($$\text {b. 1931}$$)$

American mathematician best known for his work in differential topology.
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Norman R. Draper $($$\text {b. 1931}$$)$

British statistician, emeritus of University of Wisconsin.
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András Hajnal $($$\text {1931}$ – $\text {2016}$$)$

Hungarian mathematician best known for his work in known for his work in set theory and combinatorics.
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Elliott Mendelson $($$\text {1931}$ – $\text {2020}$$)$

American logician who taught mathematics at the college level for more than 30 years, and is the author of books on logic, philosophy of mathematics, calculus, game theory and mathematical analysis.
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Hale Freeman Trotter $($$\text {b. 1931}$$)$

Canadian mathematician mainly working in number theory and knot theory.
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Morris Herman DeGroot $($$\text {1931}$ – $\text {1989}$$)$

American statistician best known for his textbooks on statistics.
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Rudolph Michael Najar $($$\text {b. 1931}$$)$

American mathematician with a research interest in elementary number theory.
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Herbert Saul Wilf $($$\text {1931}$ – $\text {2012}$$)$

American mathematician who specializes in combinatorics and graph theory.

He has made available certain of his works for free download.
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Edwin Floriman Taylor $($$\text {b. 1931}$$)$

American professor of physics whose primary research interests are in the field of physics education.
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Michel Hénon $($$\text {1931}$ – $\text {2013}$$)$

French mathematician and astronomer, nown for his contributions to stellar dynamics.

Made important contributions on the dynamical evolution of star clusters, in particular globular clusters.

Developed a numerical technique using Monte Carlo methods to follow the dynamical evolution of a spherical star cluster much faster than the so-called $n$-body methods.
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Roger Penrose $($$\text {b. 1931}$$)$

British physicist and mathematician renowned for his work in cosmology.

The creator of the Penrose tiles.
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John Winsor Pratt $($$\text {b. 1931}$$)$

American mathematician who has made contributions to research in risk aversion theory.
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Bryan John Birch $($$\text {b. 1931}$$)$

English mathematician best known for his part in the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture.
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Daniel Leonid Slotnick $($$\text {1931}$ – $\text {1985}$$)$

American mathematician and computer architect who pioneered the concept of parallelism in computer architectures.

Chief architect of the Illiac IV supercomputer.
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Karl Robert Stromberg $($$\text {1931}$ – $\text {1994}$$)$

American mathematician known for his textbook writing.
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Basil Gordon $($$\text {1931}$ – $\text {2012}$$)$

American mathematician specializing in number theory and combinatorics.

Worked with Wernher von Braun on the US's contribution to the Space Race.
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Brian Howard Kaye $($$\text {b. 1932}$$)$

Canadian scientist best known for writing on the subject of fractals.
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Harry Lewis Nelson $($$\text {b. 1932}$$)$

American mathematician and computer programmer.

Member of the team that won the World Computer Chess Championship in $1983$ and $1986$.

Co-discoverer with David Slowinski of the $27$th Mersenne prime $2^{44 \, 497} − 1$ in $1979$.

Editor of the Journal of Recreational Mathematics for five years.
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David Abram Antin $($$\text {1932}$ – $\text {2016}$$)$

American poet, critic and performance artist, who also translated various scientific and mathematical works.
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Gian-Carlo Rota $($$\text {1932}$ – $\text {1999}$$)$

Italian-American mathematician and philosopher who worked in combinatorics, functional analysis, probability theory, and phenomenology.
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Solomon Wolf Golomb $($$\text {1932}$ – $\text {2016}$$)$

American mathematician, engineer and professor of electrical engineering at the University of Southern California, best known for his works on mathematical games.

Invented Cheskers in $1948$ and coined the name.

Fully described polyominoes and pentominoes in $1953$

Specialized in problems of combinatorial analysis, number theory, coding theory and communications.

His game of Pentomino inspired Tetris.
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Stanisław Świerczkowski $($$\text {1932}$ – $\text {2015}$$)$

Polish mathematician famous for his solutions to two problems posed by Hugo Steinhaus: the Three-Gap Theorem and the Non-Tetratorus Theorem.
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Joseph F. Stephany $($$\text {1932}$ – $\text {2011}$$)$

American research scientist, mathematician, editor of Physical Review, and amateur chess player.
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Gwilym Meirion Jenkins $($$\text {1932}$ – $\text {1982}$$)$

British statistician and systems engineer

Notable for his pioneering work with George Edward Pelham Box on autoregressive moving average models, also called Box-Jenkins models, in time-series analysis.
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Louis de Branges de Bourcia $($$\text {b. 1932}$$)$

French-American mathematician best known for proving the Bieberbach Conjecture in $1984$, now called de Branges's Theorem.

Claims to have proved several important conjectures in mathematics, including the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis.
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Mizan Rahman $($$\text {1932}$ – $\text {2015}$$)$

Bangladeshi Canadian mathematician who specialized in fields of mathematics such as hypergeometric series and orthogonal polynomials.

Also had interests encompassing literature, philosophy, scientific skepticism, freethinking and rationalism.
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Karl Heinrich Hofmann $($$\text {b. 1932}$$)$

German mathematician working in the fields of topological algebra and functional analysis, especially topological groups and semigroups and Lie theory.
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Kenneth Ira Appel $($$\text {1932}$ – $\text {2013}$$)$

American mathematician who in 1976, along with Wolfgang Haken, proved the Four Color Theorem with the help of a computer.
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Dana Stewart Scott $($$\text {b. 1932}$$)$

American computer scientist, logician and philosopher.
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John Griggs Thompson $($$\text {b. 1932}$$)$

American mathematician noted for his work in the field of finite groups.
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Avner Friedman $($$\text {b. 1932}$$)$

Israeli-born mathematician, whose primary field of research is partial differential equations, with interests in stochastic processes, mathematical modeling, free boundary problems, and control theory.

Distinguished Professor of Mathematics and Physical Sciences at Ohio State University.
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Dirk van Dalen $($$\text {b. 1932}$$)$

Dutch mathematician and historian of science.
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Thomas Walter Bannerman Kibble $($$\text {1932}$ – $\text {2016}$$)$

British theoretical physicist, mainly working in quantum field theory, especially the interface between high-energy particle physics and cosmology.

Best known as one of the first to describe the Higgs mechanism, and for his research on topological defects.

From the 1950s was concerned about the nuclear arms race.

From 1970 took leading roles in promoting the social responsibility of the scientist.

Senior research investigator at the Blackett Laboratory and Emeritus Professor of Theoretical Physics at Imperial College London.
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Ross Lee Finney III $($$\text {1933}$ – $\text {2000}$$)$

American mathtematician best known for his textbooks.
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John David Thomas $($$\text {1933}$ – $\text {2021}$$)$

American mathematician working in toplogy.

Best known for the topological constructs Thomas's plank and Thomas's corkscrew.
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Nils John Nilsson $($$\text {1933}$ – $\text {2019}$$)$

American mathematician who was one of the founders in the field of artificial intelligence.
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Uta Caecilia Merzbach $($$\text {1933}$ – $\text {2017}$$)$

German-born American historian of mathematics.
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Chen Jingrun $($$\text {1933}$ – $\text {1996}$$)$

Chinese mathematician who made significant inroads into Goldbach's Conjecture by proving what is now referred to as Chen's Theorem.
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Richard Allen Askey $($$\text {1933}$ – $\text {2019}$$)$

American mathematician, known for his expertise in the area of special functions.
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Barry M. Mitchell $($$\text {1933}$ – $\text {2021}$$)$

Canadian mathematician who has worked influentially in category theory.
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Morris William Hirsch $($$\text {b. 1933}$$)$

American mathematician working on manifolds.
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Stephen Hoel Schanuel $($$\text {1933}$ – $\text {2014}$$)$

American mathematician working in the fields of abstract algebra and category theory, number theory, and measure theory.

Known for Schanuel's Conjecture.
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Ciprian Ilie Foiaș $($$\text {b. 1933}$$)$

Romanian mathematician awarded for his contributions in operator theory.
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Triloki Nath Bhargava $($$\text {1933}$ – $\text {2017}$$)$

Indian mathematician working mainly in the field of statistics.

Known for his work on permutable primes.
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Carole Baker Lacampagne $($$\text {1933}$ – $\text {2021}$$)$

American mathematician known for her work in mathematics education and gender equality.
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Jack Cohen $($$\text {1933}$ – $\text {2019}$$)$

British reproductive biologist also known for his popular science books and involvement with science fiction.
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James Ward Brown $($$\text {b. 1934}$$)$

American mathematician best known for his textbooks.
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Azriel Lévy $($$\text {b. 1934}$$)$

Israeli mathematician and logician.

Professor emeritus at the University of Jerusalem.

Worked on several results investigating the Axiom of Choice.
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Charles Antony Richard Hoare $($$\text {b. 1934}$$)$

British mathematician and computer scientist best known for devising the Quicksort algorithm.
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John Jay Greever, III $($$\text {b. 1934}$$)$

American mathematician best known for his work in topology.
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Niklaus Emil Wirth $($$\text {b. 1934}$$)$

Swiss computer scientist, best known for designing several programming languages, including Pascal, and for pioneering several classic topics in software engineering.
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Paul Joseph Cohen $($$\text {1934}$ – $\text {2007}$$)$

American mathematician working in logic and set theory.

Best known for his work on the Continuum Hypothesis.
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Philip Gerald Drazin $($$\text {1934}$ – $\text {2002}$$)$

British mathematician who was a leading international expert in fluid dynamics.
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William Parry $($$\text {1934}$ – $\text {2006}$$)$

English mathematician who worked in dynamical systems, and, in particular, ergodic theory.

In particular, he studied subshifts of finite type nilflows.
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Simon Bernhard Kochen $($$\text {b. 1934}$$)$

Belgian-born Canadian mathematician, working in the fields of model theory, number theory and quantum mechanics.
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William Warren Bartley III $($$\text {1934}$ – $\text {1990}$$)$

American philosopher specializing in 20th century philosophy, language and logic, and the Vienna Circle.
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William Gilbert Strang $($$\text {b. 1934}$$)$

American mathematician with contributions to finite element theory, the calculus of variations, wavelet analysis and linear algebra.
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Robert B. Ash $($$\text {1935}$ – $\text {2015}$$)$

American mathematician working in various areas, including Information Theory and Discrete Mathematics.
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Nicolas Bourbaki $($$\text {established 1935}$$)$

Nicolas Bourbaki is the name given to a group of (mainly) French mathematicians whose aim was to present an account of the entirety of modern mathematics, with an emphasis on rigour and generality.
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Alun Owen Morris $($$\text {b. 1935}$$)$

British mathematician best known for his textbooks.
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Ralph Tyrrell Rockafellar $($$\text {b. 1935}$$)$

American mathematician working in optimization theory and the related fields of analysis and combinatorics.
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Allan Hersh Clark $($$\text {b. 1935}$$)$

American professor of mathematics.
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Merrilee H. Salmon $($$\text {b. 1935}$$)$

American philosopher, archaeologist and logician.
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James Gordon Simmonds $($$\text {1935}$ – $\text {2015}$$)$

American mathematician working in applied mathematics and computer science.
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David Pierre Ruelle $($$\text {b. 1935}$$)$

Belgian mathematical physicist, naturalized French.

Has worked on statistical physics and dynamical systems.

Coined the term strange attractor with Floris Takens.
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Yakov Grigorevich Sinai $($$\text {b. 1935}$$)$

Russian-American mathematician known for his work on dynamical systems.
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Wilson Alexander Sutherland $($$\text {1935}$ – $\text {2019}$$)$

Scottish mathematician working mainly in topology.
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Hillel Furstenberg $($$\text {b. 1935}$$)$

Israeli mathematician famous for his proof, using techniques from topology, on the infinitude of primes.
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Lokenath Debnath $($$\text {b. 1935}$$)$

Indian-American mathematician working in the field of mathematical physics.

Founder of International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences.
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Michael Nathaniel Bleicher $($$\text {b. 1935}$$)$

American mathematician working in set theory.
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Ronald Lewis Graham $($$\text {1935}$ – $\text {2020}$$)$

American mathematician famous for his work in the field of Ramsey theory.

Notable for introducing Graham's number, the largest number ever yet encountered in mathematics.

Popularized the concept of the Erdős number.

Husband of Fan Chung Graham, friend and colleague of Paul Erdős.
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Ryszard Engelking $($$\text {b. 1935}$$)$

Polish mathematician, working mainly on general topology and dimension theory.
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Anthony N. Michel $($$\text {1935}$ – $\text {2020}$$)$

Romanian-born mathematician now American, whose main contributions have been in the field of aerospace engineering.
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Marvin Jay Greenberg $($$\text {1935}$ – $\text {2017}$$)$

American mathematician known for his books on non-Euclidean geometry and algebraic topology.
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William Jay Conover $($$\text {b. 1936}$$)$

American statistician known for the Conover squared rank test.
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Robert Works Fuller $($$\text {b. 1936}$$)$

American physicist, author and social reformer.
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Norman Laurence Gilbreath $($$\text {b. 1936}$$)$

American magician and author known for originating the Gilbreath shuffle.

Also known for Gilbreath's Conjecture concerning prime numbers.
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Howard E. Sturgis $($$\text {1936}$ – $\text {1990}$$)$

American mathematician and computer scientist.

Co-designer (with John Cedric Shepherdson) of the Unlimited Register Machine, a refinement of the Turing machine.
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Martin Charles Tangora $($$\text {b. 1936}$$)$

American mathematician working in topology.
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Arnoud C.M. van Rooij $($$\text {b. 1936}$$)$

Dutch mathematician working in topology and functional analysis.
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Amnon Pazy $($$\text {1936}$ – $\text {2006}$$)$

Israeli mathematician who specialized in partial differential equations.

Also made important contributions to the theory of semigroups.
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James Hunter Whitelaw $($$\text {1936}$ – $\text {2006}$$)$

Scots engineer who pioneered the field of laser-based flow instrumentation.
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Peter John Freyd $($$\text {b. 1936}$$)$

American mathematician known for work in category theory.
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Władysław Narkiewicz $($$\text {b. 1936}$$)$

Polish mathematician known for his work in algebraic number theory, algebra and mathematical history.
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John Alden Thorpe $($$\text {b. 1936}$$)$

American mathematician known for contributions to the field of differential geometry.
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Thomas William Hungerford $($$\text {1936}$ – $\text {2014}$$)$

American mathematician working in algebra and mathematics education.
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Roshdi Rashed $($$\text {b. 1936}$$)$

Egyptian mathematician, philosopher and historian whose focus is on the mathematics of the medieval Arabic world.
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Herbert Bruce Enderton $($$\text {1936}$ – $\text {2010}$$)$

American mathematician best known for his textbooks in mathematical logic and set theory.

Also a popular educational contributor to various usenet groups.
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Malcolm E. Lines $($$\text {b. 1936}$$)$

British mathematician and metallurgist known for his popular books on mathematics.
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Volker Strassen $($$\text {b. 1936}$$)$

German mathematician best known for design of efficient algorithms.
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John Mackintosh Howie $($$\text {1936}$ – $\text {2011}$$)$

Scottish mathematician whose specialty was semigroups.
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Nobuyuki Yoshigahara $($$\text {1936}$ – $\text {2004}$$)$

Japanese inventor, collector, solver, and communicator of puzzles.
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Robert W Floyd $($$\text {1936}$ – $\text {2001}$$)$

American computer scientist, who was active in discrete mathematics.

Noted for his work on parsing.

Introduced the concept of error diffusion for rendering images.

Pioneered the field of program verification using logical assertions. This contributed to what later became Hoare logic.
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Stefan Oscar Walter Hildebrandt $($$\text {1936}$ – $\text {2005}$$)$

German mathematician concerned mainly with the calculus of variations and nonlinear partial differential equations.
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George A. Grätzer $($$\text {1936}$$)$

Hungarian-Canadian mathematician specializing in lattice theory and universal algebra.
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Graham Robert Allan $($$\text {1936}$ – $\text {2007}$$)$

British mathematician, specializing in Banach algebras.
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Gary Theodore Chartrand $($$\text {b. 1936}$$)$

American mathematician who specializes in graph theory.

He is known for his textbooks on introductory graph theory and for the concept of a highly irregular graph.
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Peter Clingerman Fishburn $($$\text {b. 1936}$$)$

American statistician known as a pioneer in the field of decision-making processes.
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James West Friedman $($$\text {1936}$ – $\text {2016}$$)$

American economist noted for his work in game theory.
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Robert Phelan Langlands $($$\text {b. 1936}$$)$

Canadian mathematician mainly working in number theory and representation theory.

Founder of the Langlands program, a vast web of conjectures and results connecting representation theory and automorphic forms to the study of Galois groups in number theory.
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James Edward Mann $($$\text {b. 1936}$$)$

American mathematician working in geophysics.

Held in high esteem as a mathematics educator.
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Shlomo Zvi Sternberg $($$\text {b. 1936}$$)$

American mathematician known for his work in geometry, particularly symplectic geometry and Lie theory.
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Howard Jerome Keisler $($$\text {b. 1936}$$)$

American mathematician whose research has included model theory and non-standard analysis.
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Charles Terence Clegg Wall $($$\text {b. 1936}$$)$

British mathematician, working in cobordism theory in algebraic topology, then mainly in the area of manifolds, particularly geometric topology and related abstract algebra included in surgery theory.
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Bernd Fischer $($$\text {1936}$ – $\text {2020}$$)$

German mathematician best known to his contributions to the classification of finite simple groups.

Discovered several of the sporadic groups:

Introduced 3-transposition groups
Constructed the three Fischer groups
Described the Baby Monster and computed its character table
Predicted the existence of the Fischer-Griess Monster.

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Peter Bruce Andrews $($$\text {b. 1937}$$)$

American mathematician best known for creating the TPS automated theorem prover.
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John Newsome Crossley $($$\text {b. 1937}$$)$

British-Australian mathematician and logician who writes in the field of logic in computer science, history of mathematics and medieval history.
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Charles Henry Edwards $($$\text {b. 1937}$$)$

American mathematician working in analysis.
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Wilfrid Keller $($$\text {b. 1937}$$)$

German mathematician best known for his activity in number theory, including the hunt for titanic primes.
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Walter Alexander Strauss $($$\text {b. 1937}$$)$

American applied mathematician specializing in partial differential equations and nonlinear waves.
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Underwood Dudley $($$\text {b. 1937}$$)$

American mathematician best known for his popular writing.
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Stanley P. Gudder $($$\text {b. 1937}$$)$

American writer on mathematics.
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James Burton Ax $($$\text {1937}$ – $\text {2006}$$)$

American mathematician who proved several results in algebra and number theory by using model theory.
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John Douglas Dixon $($$\text {b. 1937}$$)$

Canadian mathematician mainly working in group theory, design and analysis of algorithms in various areas of algebra and related fields.
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Yuri Ivanovitch Manin $($$\text {b. 1937}$$)$

Crimean-born mathematician, known for work in algebraic geometry and diophantine geometry.

Also known for the colossal breadth of published works.
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William Gordon Hunter $($$\text {1937}$ – $\text {1986}$$)$

American statistician best known for being one of the co-authors of the classic book Statistics for Experimenters.
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Charles Coffin Sims $($$\text {1937}$ – $\text {2017}$$)$

American mathematician active in the field of group theory.

With Donald Gordon Higman, discovered the Higman-Sims group.

Developed software leading up to the discovery of the Lyons group (also known as Lyons-Sims group) and O'Nan group (also known as O'Nan-Sims group).
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David Herbert Fowler $($$\text {1937}$ – $\text {2004}$$)$

British historian of mathematics whose thesis concerned the study of ratios as used in ancient Greece before the work of Eudoxus of Cnidus.
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Delia Ann Derbyshire $($$\text {1937}$ – $\text {2001}$$)$

British mathematician who pioneered electronic music.
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Robert Butler Wilson $($$\text {b. 1937}$$)$

American economist known for his contributions to management science and business economics.
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David Bryant Mumford $($$\text {b. 1937}$$)$

American mathematician known for his work in algebraic geometry and then for research into vision and pattern theory.
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Vladimir Igorevich Arnold $($$\text {1937}$ – $\text {2010}$$)$

Ukrainian mathematician who made important contributions in several areas including dynamical systems theory, catastrophe theory, topology, algebraic geometry, symplectic geometry, differential equations, classical mechanics and singularity theory.

Best known for the Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser Theorem regarding the stability of integrable systems,
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Horst-Günter Zimmer $($$\text {1937}$ – $\text {2016}$$)$

German mathematician who dealt with (algorithmic) number theory and computer algebra.
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William Robert Alford $($$\text {1937}$ – $\text {2003}$$)$

American mathematician who worked in the field of number theory.
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Jürgen Neukirch $($$\text {1937}$ – $\text {1997}$$)$

German mathematician known for his work on algebraic number theory.
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Hayward Rose Alker $($$\text {1937}$ – $\text {2007}$$)$

American mathematician and political scientist who specialized in research methods, core international relations theory, international politics, and security.
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Alexander Hurwitz $($$\text {b. 1937}$$)$

American mathematician who found the $19$th and $20$th Mersenne primes $2^{4253} - 1$ and $2^{4423} - 1$ in $1961$.
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Barry Charles Mazur $($$\text {b. 1937}$$)$

American mathematician who has worked in geometric topology and arithmetic topology.
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John Horton Conway $($$\text {1937}$ – $\text {2020}$$)$

British-born mathematician noted for his work in group theory and recreational mathematics.

Inventor of The Game of Life.
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Robert Berger $($$\text {b. 1938}$$)$

American mathematician known for devising the first aperiodic tiling, using a set of $20 \ 426$ distinct tile shapes.
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William Warren Fairchild $($$\text {b. 1938}$$)$

American mathematician with an interest in probability theory, statistics and mathematical analysis.
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R. David Nelson $($$\text {b. 1938}$$)$

English mathematician best known for his work editing the The Penguin Dictionary of Mathematics.
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Donald Ervin Knuth $($$\text {b. 1938}$$)$

Pronounced K-Nooth.

Hugely influential American computer scientist famous for his multi-volume The Art of Computer Programming, still famously a work in progress.

The "father of analysis of algorithms".

Pioneered research and design of the representation of mathematics via computer.[1] Author of Computers and Typesetting, another multi-volume work.
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Yiannis Nicholas Moschovakis $($$\text {b. 1938}$$)$

Greek mathematician known for his work in the fields of set theory, descriptive set theory and recursion theory.
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Ian Mueller $($$\text {1938}$ – $\text {2010}$$)$

American scholar of ancient Greek philosophy of science and the reception of Plato and Aristotle in late antiquity.
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Heiko Harborth $($$\text {b. 1938}$$)$

German mathematician whose work is mostly in the areas of number theory, combinatorics and discrete geometry, including graph theory..
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Michael C. Gemignani $($$\text {b. 1938}$$)$

American mathematician best known for his writing on computers and their history.
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Michael Ira Rosen $($$\text {b. 1938}$$)$

American mathematician who works on algebraic number theory, arithmetic theory of function fields, and arithmetic algebraic geometry.
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Robin Cope Hartshorne $($$\text {b. 1938}$$)$

American mathematician who is known for his work in algebraic geometry.
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Sergei Petrovich Novikov $($$\text {b. 1938}$$)$

Russian mathematician noted for work in both algebraic topology and soliton theory.
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James David McCawley $($$\text {1938}$ – $\text {1999}$$)$

Scots-born American linguist with a training in mathematics.

His main contribution to mathematics has been his excellent translations of mathematics textbooks into English.
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David Williams $($$\text {b. 1938}$$)$

Welsh mathematician working in probability theory.
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J. Arthur Seebach $($$\text {1938}$ – $\text {1996}$$)$

American mathematician best known for the groundbreaking Counterexamples in Topology which he co-authored with Lynn Arthur Steen, "... a counterexample to the view, widespread at the time, that undergraduates could neither do nor even contribute to research in mathematics."[2].

An early advocate for introducing computers into the educational curriculum.
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Peter Schreiber $($$\text {b. 1938}$$)$

German mathematician and historian of mathematics who deals with the foundations of mathematics and geometry.
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Thomas Scott Blyth $($$\text {b. 1938}$$)$

Scottish mathematician working in abstract algebra.
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Robert William Gilmer $($$\text {1938}$ – $\text {2021}$$)$

American mathematician working mainly in abstract algebra.
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Frederick William Byron $($$\text {b. 1938}$$)$

American physicist and educator.
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Richard Mansfield Dudley $($$\text {b. 1938}$$)$

American mathematician whose main fields of study are real analysis and probability theory.
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Dominic James Anthony Welsh $($$\text {b. 1938}$$)$

English mathematician specialising in matroid theory, cryptography and percolation theory.
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John Stephenson Rose $($$\text {1938}$ – $\text {1983}$$)$

English mathematician specialising in group theory.
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Aleš Pultr $($$\text {b. 1938}$$)$

Czech mathematician working in topology.
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Derek John Scott Robinson $($$\text {b. 1938}$$)$

Scottish mathematician who deals with algebra (group theory, homologous algebra).
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Anthony Greville Shannon $($$\text {b. 1938}$$)$

Australian mathematician specialising in number theory.

Known for publishing widely on the Fibonacci numbers.
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Philippe G. Ciarlet $($$\text {b. 1938}$$)$

French mathematician known particularly for his work on mathematical analysis of the finite element method.

Also contributed to elasticity, to the theory of plates and shells, and differential geometry.
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Bernhard H. Korte $($$\text {b. 1938}$$)$

German mathematician and computer scientist working in combinatorial optimization.
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George Eyre Andrews $($$\text {b. 1938}$$)$

American mathematician best known for his work in number theory.

Famous for discovering Srinivasa Aiyangar Ramanujan's Lost Notebook in 1976.
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Lorraine Lois Foster $($$\text {b. 1938}$$)$

American mathematician working in number theory and the theory of mathematical symmetry.

First woman to receive a Ph.D. in mathematics from California Institute of Technology.
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Ronald Alter $($$\text {b. 1939}$$)$

American mathematician and computer scientist working in number theory.
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Charles George Clarke Pitts $($$\text {b. 1939}$$)$

British mathematician specialising in topology and financial investments.
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Theodore William Gamelin $($$\text {b. 1939}$$)$

American mathematician who majors in analysis.
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Alain Ghouila-Houri $($$\text {1939}$ – $\text {1966}$$)$

French mathematician known for his work in graph theory.
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Gunther Schmidt $($$\text {b. 1939}$$)$

German mathematician who works also in informatics.
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David Breyer Singmaster $($$\text {b. 1939}$$)$

American mathematician best known for his work in the field of recreational mathematics, in particular Rubik's cube.
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Christoph Bandelow $($$\text {1939}$ – $\text {2011}$$)$

German mathematician mainly working in probability theory.

Also known as the author of books on Rubik's cube and other mathematical recreations.
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Bruce Carl Berndt $($$\text {b. 1939}$$)$

American mathematician working in the field of analytic number theory.

Best known for his work explicating the discoveries of Srinivasa Ramanujan.
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Hans Jürgen Weber $($$\text {b. 1939}$$)$

German-American physics professor, known for developing a nuclear force (NN interaction) from quark models and a possible connection between quantum chromodynamics and meson dynamics.

Research on isobars in nuclei.
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Brian Hartley $($$\text {1939}$ – $\text {1994}$$)$

British mathematician mainly noted for his work in group theory.

Best remembered by undergraduates for his much-cited textbook Rings, Modules and Linear Algebra (1970) which he cowrote with Trevor Hawkes.

A student of Philip Hall, and a tutor of Ian Stewart.
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John Chukwuemeka Amazigo $($$\text {b. 1939}$$)$

Nigerian mathematician specialsing in education.
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Alan Baker $($$\text {b. 1939}$$)$

British mathematician whose main area of work has been in finding effective methods for number theory.
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Vitali Davidovich Milman $($$\text {b. 1939}$$)$

Ukrainian-born Israeli mathematician specializing in analysis.
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John Frank Charles Kingman $($$\text {b. 1939}$$)$

English mathematician bests known for developing the mathematics of the coalescent theory.
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Richard Anthony Brualdi $($$\text {b. 1939}$$)$

American mathematician specialising in matrix theory, combinatorics and graph theory.
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John Bligh Conway $($$\text {b. 1939}$$)$

American mathematician best known for his comprehensive books on functional and complex analysis.
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John Edward Hopcroft $($$\text {b. 1939}$$)$

American theoretical computer scientist best known for his textbooks on theory of computation and data structures are regarded as standards in their fields.
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George Gasper $($$\text {b. 1939}$$)$

American mathematician working on special functions, especially orthogonal polynomials and basic hypergeometric series.

Introduced the Askey-Gasper Inequality.
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Neil James Alexander Sloane $($$\text {b. 1939}$$)$

British mathematician whose major contributions are in the fields of combinatorics, error-correcting codes, and sphere packing.

Best known for being the creator and maintainer of the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS).
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Stephen Arthur Cook $($$\text {b. 1939}$$)$

American mathematician and computer scientist who has made considerable progress in the field of complexity theory.
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John Marshall Ash $($$\text {b. 1940}$$)$

American mathematician publishing mostly in the field of harmonic analysis.
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Peter M.D. Gray $($$\text {b. 1940}$$)$

British mathematician and computer scientist specialising in databases.
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David F. Parker $($$\text {b. 1940}$$)$

British mathematician known for his textbooks.
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Charles Chapman Pugh $($$\text {b. 1940}$$)$

American mathematician who specializes in dynamic systems.
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David Wells $($$\text {b. 1940}$$)$

British teacher and populist of mathematics perhaps best known for his various "curious and interesting" dictionaries.
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Alexander G. Ramm $($$\text {b. 1940}$$)$

Russian-born American mathematician who specializes in differential and integral equations, operator theory, ill-posed and inverse problems, scattering theory, functional analysis, spectral theory, numerical analysis, theoretical electrical engineering, signal estimation, and tomography.
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Petr Hájek $($$\text {1940}$ – $\text {2016}$$)$

Czech scientist working in the area of mathematical logic.
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Michael David Spivak $($$\text {b. 1940}$$)$

American mathematician specializing in differential geometry.

Also noted for his textbooks.
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Daniel Gray Quillen $($$\text {1940}$ – $\text {2011}$$)$

American mathematician mainly working in the field of algebraic topology.
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George Stephen Boolos $($$\text {1940}$ – $\text {1996}$$)$

American philosopher who also worked in the field of mathematical logic.
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Elwyn Ralph Berlekamp $($$\text {1940}$ – $\text {2019}$$)$

American mathematician and computer scientist famous for his contributions towards game theory.

Also the innovator of several computer algorithms.
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Kenneth George Binmore $($$\text {b. 1940}$$)$

British mathematician, economist, and game theorist.

Awarded CBE in 2001 for his contributions to game theory and his role in 3G telecommunications.
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David Anthony Klarner $($$\text {1940}$ – $\text {1999}$$)$

American mathematician, author, and educator.

Known for his work in combinatorial enumeration, polyominoes and box-packing.
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Floris Takens $($$\text {1940}$ – $\text {2010}$$)$

Dutch mathematician known for contributions to the theory of chaotic dynamical systems.

Coined the term strange attractor with David Pierre Ruelle.
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Enrico Bombieri $($$\text {b. 1940}$$)$

Italian mathematician known for his work in analytic number theory, algebraic geometry, univalent functions, theory of several complex variables, partial differential equations of minimal surfaces, and the theory of finite groups
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Donald Anthony Martin $($$\text {b. 1940}$$)$

American set theorist and philosopher of mathematics.
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Peter Michael Neumann $($$\text {b. 1940}$$)$

British mathematician working mainly in the field of group theory.

Famous for solving Alhazen's Problem in 1997.

Son of Bernhard Hermann Neumann and Hanna Neumann.
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  1. It is impossible accurately to assess the impact of $\TeX$ on the ability to communicate mathematics via computer. This website would not have been possible without it.
  2. In Memorium: J. Arthur Seebach, Jr.: Lynn Arthur Steen.