Category:Markov Chains

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This category contains results about Markov Chains.
Definitions specific to this category can be found in Definitions/Markov Chains.

Let $\sequence {X_n}_{n \mathop \ge 0}$ be a stochastic process over a countable set $S$.

$\sequence {X_n}_{n \mathop \ge 0}$ is a Markov chain if and only if it satisfies the Markov property:

$\condprob {X_{n + 1} = i_{n + 1} } {X_0 = i_0, X_1 = i_1, \ldots, X_n = i_n} = \condprob {X_{n + 1} = i_{n + 1} } {X_n = i_n}$

for all $n \ge 0$ and all $i_0, i_1, \ldots, i_{n + 1} \in S$.

That is, such that the conditional probability of $X_{i + 1}$ is dependent only upon $X_i$ and upon no earlier values of $\sequence {X_n}$.

That is, the state of $\sequence {X_n}$ in the future is unaffected by its history.


This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.

Pages in category "Markov Chains"

The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.