Definition:Maximum Value of Real Function/Local

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Let $f$ be a real function defined on an open interval $\openint a b$.

Let $\xi \in \openint a b$.

Then $f$ has a local maximum at $\xi$ if and only if:

$\exists \openint c d \subseteq \openint a b: \forall x \in \openint c d: \map f x \le \map f \xi$

That is, if and only if there is some subinterval on which $f$ attains a maximum within that interval.

Strict Local Maximum

$f$ has a strict local maximum at $\xi$ if and only if:

$\exists \openint c d \subseteq \openint a b: \forall x \in \openint c d: \map f x < \map f \xi$


In the definition of a local maximum, note the requirement for the intervals to be open.

A closed interval of course includes the value of $f$ at its end points and so every closed interval attains a maximum.

Also known as

A local maximum is also known as a relative maximum.

Also see

  • Results about local maxima can be found here.

Linguistic Note

The plural form of maximum is maxima.
