Definition:Propositional Logic

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Propositional logic is a sub-branch of symbolic logic in which the truth values of propositional formulas are investigated and analysed.

The atoms of propositional logic are simple statements.

There are various systems of propositional logic for determining the truth values of propositional formulas, for example:

  • Natural deduction is a technique for deducing valid sequents from other valid sequents by applying precisely defined proof rules, each of which themselves are either "self-evident" axioms or themselves derived from other valid sequents.

Also known as

As propositional logic (as are its synonyms) is such a mouthful and takes so long to write, some authors succumb to the temptation to abbreviate it by referring to it more-or-less consistently as PropLog.

Propositional logic is also referred to as:

Also see

  • Results about propositional logic can be found here.
