Derivative of Composite Function/Also presented as

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Derivative of Composite Function: Also presented as

The Derivative of Composite Function is also often seen presented using Leibniz's notation for derivatives:

$\dfrac {\d y} {\d x} = \dfrac {\d y} {\d u} \cdot \dfrac {\d u} {\d x}$


$\dfrac \d {\d x} \map u v = \dfrac {\d u} {\d v} \cdot \dfrac {\d v} {\d x}$

where $\dfrac {\d y} {\d x}$ denotes the derivative of $y$ with respect to $x$.

Some sources go so far as to mix their notation and present something like this:

$y' = \dfrac {\d f} {\d g} \map {g'} x$

Also to be mentioned is:

$D_x^1 w = D_u^1 w \, D_x^1 u$


${D_x}^1 w = {D_u}^1 w \, {D_x}^1 u$

where ${D_x}^k u$ denotes the $k$th derivative of $u$ with respect to $x$.
