Symbols:Set Theory/Cardinality

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$\card S$

The cardinality of the set $S$.

For finite sets, this means the number of elements in $S$.

The $\LaTeX$ code for \(\card {S}\) is \card {S} .


$\map n S$ Notation

$\map n S$

The cardinality of a set $S$ can be denoted:

$\map n S$

Its $\LaTeX$ code is \map n S .

$\#$ Notation

$\# S$

The cardinality of a set $S$ can be denoted:

$\# S$

Its $\LaTeX$ code is \# S .


$\overline S$

The cardinality of a set $S$ can be denoted:

$\overline S$

Its $\LaTeX$ code is \overline S .

Also see


Symbols:Absolute Value
Symbols:Complex Modulus
Symbols:Order of Structure
Symbols:Order of Group Element

for other uses of this symbol.
