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30 March 2025

     22:13  Definition:Antiparallel Vectors diffhist +495 Prime.mover talk contribs
 m   22:09  Definition:Densely-Defined Linear Operator diffhist +2 Prime.mover talk contribs
     22:03  Definition:Spectrum (Spectral Theory)/Bounded Linear Operator diffhist +181 Prime.mover talk contribs
N    22:00  Category:Definitions/Spectra (Spectral Theory) diffhist +71 Prime.mover talk contribs (Created page with "{{DefinitionCategory|def = Spectrum (Spectral Theory)|Spectral Theory}}")
     21:59  Definition:Spectrum (Spectral Theory) diffhist −1 Prime.mover talk contribs
N    21:59  Category:Spectra (Unital Algebras) diffhist +114 Prime.mover talk contribs (Created page with "{{SubjectCategory|Spectrum (Unital Algebra)}} Category:Spectra (Spectral Theory) Category:Unital Algebras")
     21:58  Gelfand-Mazur Theorem‎‎ 2 changes history −27 [Prime.mover‎; Austrodata‎]
21:58 (cur | prev) −61 Prime.mover talk contribs
21:44 (cur | prev) +34 Austrodata talk contribs (+ [Category:Algebra Isomorphisms])
N    21:57  Definition:Spectrum (Unital Algebra) diffhist +210 Prime.mover talk contribs (Redirected page to Definition:Spectrum (Spectral Theory)/Unital Algebra) Tag: New redirect
N    21:57  Category:Definitions/Spectra (Unital Algebras) diffhist +96 Prime.mover talk contribs (Created page with "{{DefinitionCategory|def = Spectrum (Unital Algebra)|Spectra (Spectral Theory)|Unital Algebras}}")
     21:55  Definition:Spectrum (Spectral Theory)/Unital Algebra diffhist +132 Prime.mover talk contribs
N    21:55  Definition:Spectrum of Element of Unital Algebra diffhist +210 Prime.mover talk contribs (Redirected page to Definition:Spectrum (Spectral Theory)/Unital Algebra) Tag: New redirect
N    21:40  Category:Definitions/Algebra Isomorphisms diffhist +102 Austrodata talk contribs (= {DefinitionCategory|def = Algebra Isomorphism|Algebra Homomorphisms|Isomorphisms (Abstract Algebra)})
N    21:37  Definition:Algebra Isomorphism‎‎ 3 changes history +737 [Prime.mover‎; Austrodata‎ (2×)]
21:37 (cur | prev) +46 Austrodata talk contribs (+ [Category:Definitions/Algebra Isomorphisms])
21:29 (cur | prev) +28 Prime.mover talk contribs
20:17 (cur | prev) +663 Austrodata talk contribs (Created page with "== Definition == <onlyinclude> Let $R$ be a commutative ring. Let $\struct {A, *}$ and $\struct {B, \times}$ be algebras over $R$. Let $\phi: A \to B$ be an algebra homomorphism. Then $\phi$ is an '''algebra isomorphism''' {{iff}} $\phi$ is a bijection. </onlyinclude> == Definition:Isomorphism/Linguistic...")
N    21:31  Antilogarithm Function is Exponential Function‎‎ 2 changes history +1,068 [Prime.mover‎ (2×)]
21:31 (cur | prev) +34 Prime.mover talk contribs
21:00 (cur | prev) +1,034 Prime.mover talk contribs (Created page with "== Theorem == <onlyinclude> Let $y = \operatorname {alog}_b x$ be the antilogarithm of $x$ base $b$. Then: :$y = b^x$ </onlyinclude> == Proof == {{begin-eqn}} {{eqn | l = y | r = \operatorname {alog}_b x | c = {{hypothesis}} }} {{eqn | ll= \leadsto | l = x | r = \log_b y | c = {{Defof|Antilogarithm}} }} {{eqn | ll= \leadsto | l = b^x | r = y | c = {{Defof|General Logarithm}} }} {{end-eqn}} {{...")
N    21:30  User:Austrodata/Definition:Restriction of Functor diffhist +1,202 Austrodata talk contribs (Created page with "Let $\mathbf A$ and $\mathbf B$ be subcategories. Let $F: \mathbf A \to \mathbf B$ be a functor. Let $\mathbf S$ be a subcategory of $\mathbf A$. The '''restriction''' of $F$ to $\mathbf S$, denoted by $F|_{\mathbf S}$, is a functor $F|_{\mathbf S}: \mathbf S \to \mathbf B$ such that: {{begin-axiom}} {{axiom | lc= Definition:Object (Category...")
     20:51  Definition:Antilogarithm/Symbol/Base 10‎‎ 2 changes history +721 [Prime.mover‎ (2×)]
20:51 (cur | prev) +16 Prime.mover talk contribs
19:41 (cur | prev) +705 Prime.mover talk contribs
 m   20:18  Definition:Isomorphism (Abstract Algebra) diffhist +100 Austrodata talk contribs (+ [Algebra Isomorphism])
N    19:42  Definition:Neighborhood of Real Point‎‎ 2 changes history +132 [Prime.mover‎; Austrodata‎]
19:42 (cur | prev) +79 Prime.mover talk contribs
19:07 (cur | prev) +53 Austrodata talk contribs (#Redirect [Definition:Neighborhood (Real Analysis)]) Tag: New redirect
     19:42  Definition:Neighborhood (Real Analysis) diffhist +77 Prime.mover talk contribs
N    19:32  Definition:Antilogarithm/Historical Note diffhist +634 Prime.mover talk contribs (Created page with "== Historical Note on Antilogarithm == <onlyinclude> Since the use of log tables has mostly been superseded by use of handheld electronic calculators, the concept of the '''antilogarithm''' is barely used nowadays. </onlyinclude> == Sources == * {{BookReference|The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Mathematics|2014|Christopher Clapham|author2 = James Nicholson|ed = 5th|edpage = Fifth Edition...")
     19:28  Definition:Antilogarithm‎‎ 4 changes history +824 [Prime.mover‎ (4×)]
19:28 (cur | prev) +114 Prime.mover talk contribs
19:17 (cur | prev) +65 Prime.mover talk contribs
19:06 (cur | prev) +114 Prime.mover talk contribs
19:04 (cur | prev) +531 Prime.mover talk contribs
N    19:28  Antilogarithm/Examples/Arbitrary Example 1 diffhist +1,296 Prime.mover talk contribs (Created page with "== Example of Antilogarithm == <onlyinclude> Consider the calculation: :$2 \cdotp 75 \times 3 \cdotp 12$ Using log tables, we have that: {{begin-eqn}} {{eqn | l = \log_{10} 2 \cdotp 75 | o = \approx | r = 0 \cdotp 4393 }} {{eqn | l = \log_{10} 3 \cdotp 12 | o = \approx | r = 0 \cdotp 4942 }} {{eqn | ll= \leadsto | l = \log_{10} 2 \cdotp 75 + \log_{10} 3 \cdotp 12 | o = \approx...")
N    19:19  Definition:Antilogarithm/Also denoted as‎‎ 3 changes history +788 [Prime.mover‎ (3×)]
19:19 (cur | prev) +3 Prime.mover talk contribs
19:19 (cur | prev) −22 Prime.mover talk contribs
19:12 (cur | prev) +807 Prime.mover talk contribs (Created page with "== Antilogarithm: Also denoted as == <onlyinclude> Some authors use $\operatorname {antilog}_b$ to denote the '''antilogarithm to base $b$'''. </onlyinclude> == Sources == * {{BookReference|The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Mathematics|2014|Christopher Clapham|author2 = James Nicholson|ed = 5th|edpage = Fifth Edition|prev = Antilogarithm Function is Exponential Function|next = Definition:Antilogarithm/Symbol/Base...")
N    19:18  Category:Examples of Antilogarithms diffhist +68 Prime.mover talk contribs (Created page with "{{ExampleCategory|def = Antilogarithm}} Category:Antilogarithms")
N    19:18  Antilogarithm/Examples diffhist +251 Prime.mover talk contribs (Created page with "== Examples of Antilogarithms == <onlyinclude> === Arbitrary Example === {{:Antilogarithm/Examples/Arbitrary Example 1}}</onlyinclude> Category:Examples of Antilogarithms")
     19:14  Primitives which Differ by Constant diffhist +497 Prime.mover talk contribs
 m   19:14  Definition talk:Vector Space of Germs of Smooth Functions diffhist +354 Austrodata talk contribs (you're welcome)
     19:06  Definition:Antilogarithm/Symbol diffhist +114 Prime.mover talk contribs
     19:02  Definition:Antilogarithm/Also known as diffhist +240 Prime.mover talk contribs
     19:01  Definition:Integration/Also known as diffhist +503 Prime.mover talk contribs
     18:54  Definition:Primitive (Calculus)/Constant of Integration diffhist +509 Prime.mover talk contribs
 m   18:50  Definition:Primitive (Calculus) diffhist +267 Prime.mover talk contribs
     18:34  Definition:Primitive (Calculus)/Also known as diffhist +245 Prime.mover talk contribs
     18:23  General Solution to Chebyshev's Differential Equation diffhist +3,294 Robkahn131 talk contribs (going out on a limb here - this appears to be an even more general solution than what I see published)
 m   18:23  Definition:Anticlockwise diffhist −16 Prime.mover talk contribs
 m   18:23  Definition:Polar Coordinates/Angular Coordinate diffhist +503 Prime.mover talk contribs
N    18:22  Definition:Counterclockwise diffhist +78 Prime.mover talk contribs (Redirected page to Definition:Anticlockwise) Tag: New redirect
N    18:21  Category:Anticlockwise diffhist +42 Prime.mover talk contribs (Created page with "{{SubjectCategory}} Category:Geometry")
N    18:21  Category:Definitions/Anticlockwise diffhist +31 Prime.mover talk contribs (Created page with "{{DefinitionCategory|Geometry}}")