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$14 \, 348 \, 907$ (fourteen million, three hundred and forty-eght thousand, nine hundred and seven) is:


The $243$rd cube number:
$14 \, 348 \, 907 = 243 \times 243 \times 243$

The $27$th $5$th power:
$14 \, 348 \, 907 = 27 \times 27 \times 27 \times 27 \times 27$

The $15$th power of $3$ after $(1)$, $3$, $9$, $27$, $81$, $243$, $729$, $2187$, $6561$, $19 \, 683$, $59 \, 049$, $177 \, 147$, $531 \, 441$, $1 \, 594 \, 323$, $4 \, 782 \, 969$:
$14 \, 348 \, 907 = 3^{15}$

Also see