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$200$ (two hundred) is:

$2^3 \times 5^2$

The $1$st positive integer that cannot be made into a prime number by changing just $1$ digit

The $9$th positive integer after $50$, $65$, $85$, $125$, $130$, $145$, $170$, $185$ which can be expressed as the sum of two square numbers in two or more different ways:
$200 = 10^2 + 10^2 = 14^2 + 2^2$

The $23$rd powerful number after $1$, $4$, $8$, $9$, $16$, $25$, $\ldots$, $108$, $121$, $125$, $128$, $144$, $169$, $196$

Also see
