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$340 \, 282 \, 366 \, 920 \, 938 \, 463 \, 463 \, 374 \, 607 \, 431 \, 768 \, 211 \, 457$ is:

$59 \, 649 \, 589 \, 127 \, 497 \, 217 \times 5 \, 704 \, 689 \, 200 \, 685 \, 129 \, 054 \, 721$

The $7$th Fermat number after ($3$), $5$, $17$, $257$, $65 \, 537$, $4 \, 294 \, 967 \, 297$, $18 \, 446 \, 744 \, 073 \, 709 \, 551 \, 617$:
$340 \, 282 \, 366 \, 920 \, 938 \, 463 \, 463 \, 374 \, 607 \, 431 \, 768 \, 211 \, 457 = 2^{\paren {2^7} } + 1 = 2^{128} + 1$
and the $3$rd not to be prime.

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