Bhaskara II Acharya/Lilavati

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Problems by Bhaskara II Acharya: Lilavati

Chapter $\text {V}$. Progressions

Problem $124$

In an expedition to seize his enemy's elephants, a king marched $2$ yojanas on the first day.
Say, intelligent calculator, with what increasing rate of daily march did he proceed, since he reached his foe's city, a distance of $80$ yojanas, in a week?

Chapter $\text {VI}$. Plane Figure

Problem $150$

A snake's hole is at the foot of a pillar which is $15$ cubits high and a peacock is perched on its summit.
Seeing a snake, at a distance of thrice the pillar's height, gliding towards his hole, he pounces obliquely upon him.
Say quickly at how many cubits from the snake's hole do they meet, both proceeding an equal distance?

Chapter $\text {XIII}$. Combination of Digits

Example $269$

How many are the variations of the form of the god Sambhu by the exchange of his $10$ attributes held reciprocally in his several hands:
namely, the rope, the elephant's hook, the serpent, the tabor, the skull, the trident, the bedstead, the dagger, the arrow, and the bow:
as those of Hari by the exchange of the mace, the discus, the lotus and the conch?